New Muse Album on Myspace

I'm really liking this new album so far. I'm at track 7, Assassin, and the only one I haven't fully enjoyed so far is the opener Take A Bow. Still a good track, but it's the worst so far.

The more-political-than-last-time songwriting I'm not minding so much.
I'm not a big fan, but respect to Muse for sticking up the entire album to hear.
Take a Bow and the last 3 are my favourite, it's grown on me a lot since I first heard it.

Just disappointed by the length of some tracks; Hoodoo seemed to have a lot of potential but didn't last very long :/
Heh, I`ve got it in a stereo cd-rip mp3 form sat here on my PC :)

Belting album :)
Loving this album now I've given it a proper listening to. Gotta say there's not a single track on there I don't like, and as an album it feels alot more solid and mature than their previous stuff. I think someone said on the original thread that there were no stand-out tracks on the album, and that's totally true. It's consistently awesome all the way through - whereas with their previous three releases I could name which tracks I liked above the rest, this time every one's a winner :)