New nickname


Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'm looking for a nickname to replace my "qwert93". I can't think of any right now, and would really appreciate if you guys can help me:D .

Oh, by the way, I don't want any with a element in it, like "fire", "water", "ice", etc, etc, the reason being lameness.
um, fire water ice arn't elements like Uranium.

anyway, how about: "ViralInfection"? sounds lame? I don't know how i even came up with that...
15357 said:
anyway, how about: "ViralInfection"? sounds lame? I don't know how i even came up with that...

Um, no, it's too long.

Anything else?
How about Munro...

Thats original and ive rarely seen that name crop up as a poster...

/me runs :D
Try taking your last name then modifying it. Thats what i did. :thumbs:
Howabout AssWipe

Ooh! Or LittleAssWipe! We could be LittleBuddies!
apparition, appearance, banshee, daemon, demon, devil, eidolon, ethereal being, haunt, incorporeal being, kelpie, manes, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, revenant, shade, shadow, soul, specter, spirit, vampire, vision, visitor, wraith

Thank you :D

Beebo - The cat with facial hair what smokes.


I don't know.:|
bob roberts
15357 said:
um, fire water ice arn't elements like Uranium.

Well, they are some of those old-timey Elementals. Like the spells you see in fantasy RPG's and all that.

Anyway, are looking forward to something humorous (like "The Cheesiest" or "HotNutz) or macabre (like "Naked Blades)?

And yes, I know those suggestions are kind of lame. I'm just trying to get where you want to go with this.
I would like one that is 7 or 8 characters long, and no insults please, as well as something a little dark. Like "Deathly" or something. Thanks!
Call yourself Tigger. Then you can have a tail dancing tiger for an avatar.

Either that or piglet... Oh damn, piglet would be the coolest name ever.

If you want a dark name though... Call yourself Morbid.

Morbid is a cool name if you just want a 'dark' name that is a word.

mor·bid Audio pronunciation of "morbid" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (môrbd)

a. Of, relating to, or caused by disease; pathological or diseased.
b. Psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome: “He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses” (Edgar Allan Poe).
2. Characterized by preoccupation with unwholesome thoughts or feelings: read the account of the murder with a morbid interest.
3. Gruesome; grisly.
4. An awesome nickname.

or murdrum. thats state assisted murder, by the way.
I suggest some derivative (sp?) of the name "Stephen" followed by an underscore and them some word or letter. Works every time. could put he word or letter BEFORE the name. Ooooooh.
Just mash your dick and keyboard together for a few minutes, then pick a RANDOM spot in the mess, and make that your name..say..6 letters.
oiuhfgt89qhw5hrt98awrgh8q34htypjhbzdpshujaeijy6q3h38yt26 *My dick = teh red* Now pick a bunch...

So your new name would be htypjh
