New NiGHTS media


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Fresh from E3:






Trailer (super cheesy!)

Gameplay (missing sounds)

*runs around flat with arms stretched out making whooshing noises*
You're .... can't be bothered.

*continues to run round flat making whooshing noises*
The original was really popular on the Saturn.

What was I saying just days ago - SEGA needs to bring back some of their older games.

Never played NiGHTS, but I'd like a new version of Shining the Darkness/Ark, etc, House of the Dead, and maybe a 3D Ecco the dolphin, though I don't know if I'd buy that.
Looks....meh, i wish nintendo put alittle more power in that wii. It would be perfect.
Why do they need to put more power into it? Also, I was being jokey about the 'gay' comment, just to spite warbs for his Wiiness. And because I'm jealous.
I really enjoyed the one on the Saturn. SOOOOOO fired up to play this.

It doesn't look anything special, but that's not why ya bought the Wii. :)

*joins Warbie running around flat with arms stretched out making whooshing noises*
I love the colours. Better then brown overlays and HDR set to 100000000000000000 times scale. D:
Yeah, I have been looking forward to this for a little while now ever since it was announced. Looks like it coming along fine. Gotta check out vids and watch the fun factor multiply all over itself!! :bounce:
I'm really angry they chose the Wii of all consoles for this game. And for what? To give it lame controls? I sure hope it doesn't suck becuase I'm going to have to buy the stupid console for this game.
lol sonic, calm down :p

Also, uhh... Don't kill me, but having never owned a Saturn, I... I never played NiGHTS. Why was it so good? :o
didn't see trailer (cuz it won't load), but the pics make it look very n64ish.
The textures make it look N64-ish.
The textures make it look N64-ish.

A typical Sonic Team product, then.
The GC had launch games which put this to shame (Rouge Squadron) - so the Wii can clearly do a hell of a lot better.

Anyway, the graphics won't matter so long as they nail the atmosphere. If they get the control scheme right, this could be brilliant.
*Joins Warbie in pretending to fly around*

That level with the fat jester--was that Puffy?--was so gorgeous. This game's gonna rock.