New Oblivion Content Available - The Wizard's Tower


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
IGN said:
To complete the trifecta of post-release downloadable content, The Wizard's Tower joins The Orrery and Horse Armor Pack on the Xbox 360 Marketplace and is also available online for the PC version. Like the previous two, The Wizard's Tower costs money. For 150 Microsoft Points ($1.88) or $1.89 on the official PC Oblivion download site, players can grab the file and thereafter access Frostcrag Spire, a tower useful for magic users.

In the tower, players will find a unique garden with 130 harvestable reagents, instant teleports to Cyrodiil's Mages Guilds, upgradeable furnishings, access to Spellmaking and Enchanting altars without the need to join the Mages Guild, and a laboratory that augments your Alchemy skill.

hmmm a bit better than the Orerry and the horse armor but dont know if it's worth bothering
Being as I'm already Archmage, that sounds pretty pointless to me :/
Nah can't see myself getting this. Sounds a bit.. OTT.

Nice effort though.
Again, however tempting it is, it's of no use to me. D: The last two updates have been in favour purely of Mages.
The garden, something to help alchemy and such and teleports. It seems more of a cheat than anything... taking the fun out of running around trying to find certain ingredients and such.
details on mod, from shacknews:

Okay, checked it out and upgraded it fully. Definitely cool and useful :) I plan to use this as my house instead of the one in anvil. I'm a mage (master of destruction) so this is supreme for me.

I already had a book collection going, and there are a TON of books in the library upgrade. There's a TON of doubles, but I plan on selling the doubles and replacing them with the rest of my book collection.

The garden is pretty nice, lots of good ingredients. Not all of the ingredients in the game are there, but the useful ones are.

The vault upgrade is pretty awesome too. I don't know if I have enough stuff back at my anvil house to throw down there.

The view overlooking cyrodill is pure white for me, I must not have my draw distance good enough or I need to wait for a clear day.

The spell making and enchanting stands are helpful. Now I don't have to go to the arcane university.

I guess that's about it. Worth it.


Don't look if you don't want it to be spoiled for you. This is the fully upgraded house, but I didn't catch every angle. Low res, 56k compatible shots, enjoy! outside front door inside left side of room right side of room (pardon my mess) atronauch alter, spell alter, enchanting alter the vault (left teleport in main room) the vault (wine cabinet in back) living quarters (right teleport in main room) alchemist bench (gives temporary +15 to alchemy) garden oblivion plants door to outside from living quarters teleports to the different mages guilds top of the spire teleport from living quarters one bad-ass dude.

That covers most of it. The vault is bigger than it looks in the shots, so is the rest of the place for the most part.
Seems pretty useless, still.

They don't come out with anything that took time to make and add something actually cool. This seems like an easy way out of doing everything yourself. Traveling alchemist/mage, now you can just come here and whore it up. Useless.
Seems more like a cheat to me. I'm just reminded how by how dissapointed I am with certain gameplay elements (Especailly the leveling system). I'm considering going back to Morrowind and seeing what other unique items I can hunt down.
I looked at 3 screenshots, didn't want to spoil everything. Wow, It's really nice looking, and I would really like this expansion. I can't stand having to travel here for this thing i need to do, then travel there for the other thing, then travel somewhere else I can finally do what I need to do.

I can't even stand looking for the place to sell my stuff in an unfamiliar town, and hoping it's the right time of day and they are open. I just want to go hurt something.

By the way, is there any disadvantage to pressing the 'T' button and waiting 8 hours for a store to open? I mean, what effect does the passage of time have on the game? Say I am on day 300 - what difference is it than if I'm on day 5000? I'm thinking it just might be part of the stat tracking. How many books you've read, how many times you have contracted a disease, etc.

I believe it's just part of stat-tracking, as your character doesn't actually age and there's no time limit on the game itself... I haven't encountered any drawbacks by just simply waiting 8 hours in front of the store for it to open.
Sounds decent and probably worth the money if your an X360 user. Flashy new models are nice and all, but I can wip up something just as good with existing content.
Kyo said:
Sounds decent and probably worth the money if your an X360 user. Flashy new models are nice and all, but I can wip up something just as good with existing content.
Yea, thats a good point and I'd forgotten about that. Xbox owners don't have free mods available - at least not at this point, so they might be much more inclined to buy an expansion. If not, they just do without mods.
Bah, it really should be free. In a competitive market with developers like Valve about, it seems silly that companies are trying to get you to pay for little add-ons, no matter how cheap they are. It's a spit in the face for people without credit cards and such like.
Nup, nup, not touching this. Sounds like a flashy house mod... I'm sure I could make one of these in the TES4:O:CS if i wanted to.