New Oblivion screenshots in PCZONE


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I've just picked up the newest issue of PCZONE today, to my delight it contained some info on Oblvion, although I was fixed to the screenshots that delighted the pages. There were 13 screenies (with 3 already known, 10 completely new). below is the more interesting of the ten screenies:

1) A port in Cyrodiil, seen from a 1st person perspective. It contains two ships on the right hand side as well as fort in the background. The atmosphere looks very 15th-17th century in nature, although the two guards on patrol did not (looked like pikemen, but with sheathed sword and shield)

2) The first screen of an Argonian with renaissance style clothes

3) A fight with skeletons wielding axes

4) First picture of water with a bridge crossing

5) Sacred ground

6) A fight with a spirit with player wielding shmiter

7) Gateway to Oblivion

Theres also been an update on the official site showing off the box cover
Click here to see
Seems the only reason oblivion is getting any publicity is because of its graphics. Even the add in my PCgamer has 5 excerpts from websites that have previewed the game and they all say "best looking RPG" not best story, most innovative. Makes me want to go play some zelda:oot.
Seems the only reason oblivion is getting any publicity is because of its graphics. Even the add in my PCgamer has 5 excerpts from websites that have previewed the game and they all say "best looking RPG" not best story, most innovative. Makes me want to go play some zeldaot.
Go learn about the game.
Lets see, over 1000 NPC's that get up, go to work, eat, sleep, talk to eachother, can actually talk to someone else and learn new things, they can buy, kill, or steal for food. If it is anything like morrowind, pretty much every single object you will be able to pick up.
The ability to roam the lands and do anything you want, do tons of side quests or if you feel like it do the main mission. Combat has been revamped from morrowind so if you hit him you HIT HIM(Damage is diced though), you will have to block with a shield, no dice there.

It's Morrowind without the flaws. Add that on to a very nice consturction editor(which is suppose to be better than morrowinds), and well..then you will have tons of modifications.
DrDevin said:
Seems the only reason oblivion is getting any publicity is because of its graphics. Even the add in my PCgamer has 5 excerpts from websites that have previewed the game and they all say "best looking RPG" not best story, most innovative. Makes me want to go play some zelda:oot.

Hah, I'm not the one interested in the graphics, I'm more intrigued by the Radiant AI system and full dialogue tree that is fully voice acted. I'll be messing around with the construction set as well
Is there a set release date on this? Or will this be another "by the time you're married" type of game.
Ah yeah I got that. They just look amazing.
DreadLord1337 said:
Is there a set release date on this? Or will this be another "by the time you're married" type of game.

This winter apparently, they've finished making the game, but balancing it. Its to coincide with the release of the Xbox360
We Wants It!! We Wants It!!!
*Puts a rope around dream*
You know the way to Oblivion.
You've been there before!
Take me to the store to buy oblivion!
*Takes the rope off*
Minerel said:
*Puts a rope around dream*
You know the way to Oblivion.
You've been there before!
Take me to the store to buy oblivion!
*Takes the rope off*


Good me: We do what master says. Master is our friend.

Bad me: Master betray us! Oblivion isn't out yet!

Good me: Master never lie to us! It will take us a long time to get to the store. Master knows what he's doing. Master is our friend.

Bad me saying to Minerel: Stupid Fat Minerel!

Good me: Don't speak to master that way or he'll kill us!

Bad me: We could take him to....Her.

Good me: Her.....yesssss.

Bad me: We take him to her and when she gets him we take it from him..then it's ours.

Good me: All ours?

Bad me: Ours!

Good me jumps up and down: Ohh yesss!....(good me stops jumping)...but what if master finds out, He'll kill us if he finds out.

Bad me: It's our secret..master won't find out.

Good me: Yes.

Me say to Minerel: Come master...Oblivion this way..we show you the way. We know where to go...master lost without us.

Leads Minerel away.
If the box art is done, they must be getting close to shipping it. I mean, why else worry about the box art, if more important tasks need to be completed first?.
If the box art is done, they must be getting close to shipping it. I mean, why else worry about the box art, if more important tasks need to be completed first?.
Well you see, companies usually have people for created 2D art.
Blizzard Entertainment has Samwise and Metzen.

Since they are just tweaking and getting the game right, the 2d artists don't have to much to do... so they create a bunch of box art and select the best one.
DreadLord1337 said:
Is there a set release date on this? Or will this be another "by the time you're married" type of game.
what if you and I got married right now? ;)
xLostx said:
what if you and I got married right now? ;)

Hey we could have a 3 way marriage :D...Come'll be a world we get the game early...unless your lieing, oh'l make a good story for the kids. ;)
[sarcasm]In Oblivion, you can marry people[/sarcasm]

There should be some way of finding out if you are male or female....or do I not want to know?
I'll prolly get Oblivion for the XB360 if it's a launch-title and GoW ain't, otherwise I'll just get GoW as the first title for my 360 and get the PC vers of Oblivion(Which will undoubtedly rape my PC in da ass.)
[sarcasm]In Oblivion, you can marry people[/sarcasm]

There should be some way of finding out if you are male or female....or do I not want to know?
If your male, look down, if your view isn't blocked. Your male.
If your female, look down, if you view is blocked, you are a female.
I have morrowind... but some reason, it just wasn't fun, missing more involving combat IMO.
I have morrowind... but some reason, it just wasn't fun, missing more involving combat IMO.
Which is exactly why Oblivion totally revamped that.
You should try and download some mods for it. They really make it better.