New Off Limits Models


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
it's been a while, but yes, we have been busy busy, we did a site update, there are lots more gun models + video's + concept art on the website, so feel free to check it out:

here you get a taste of what you will find there, all the gun models are below 1500 triangles (some are below 1300), hope you like em!








not half bad (geddit? hehe)

isn't the hand on the off limits sign a bit small though, I know you scaled the sign down to put with the guns, just makes it look funny is all and I thought I'd mention it. Looks good though.. actually I prefer the sign to the guns, damn lol sorry :D
hmmmm. some of the weapons look a bit miss shaped and look not badly done, but just need a little bit more time on them. The last pistol is nearly round on the hand grip. Not many guns are like this at all. Also the other pistol is not to hot. The p90 looks nice though. That could look alright with a skin on and looks fairly acurate. I don't really understand the 1st rifle though. It seems to have 2 mag ports.
the AMP:


it hase 2 ammo clips (one in reserve, so the reload is fast)

and the other weapons are really close to the real one.. trust me, i'v spent hours looking at them ;)

the Red Devil is a custom model, it's modeled from a BB-gun (so yes, we made some changed to that one, and you are right, it does look round, but it's not completly round (it's also like the real gun, front/back are flat, the sides are bent a bit roundisch :) )
hmmm. but your version of the image u have just shown me is totally wrong. Its got the basic shape but all the atributes of the ridle on your image are wrong :(
pay no attention to ichi...he has a real attitude problem.

... they look great
they are all there, not wrong, just low-poly modeled.. i COULD model that weapon completly the same... but why, just to have 10.000 triangles at the end, we are still talking about a game here + when the textures will be applyed you will see lots more details on it.
if you can model that sniper below 1500 triangle's and better, please, be my guest :) i know my place if my model is wrong (i'v started modeling about 3 months ago, so i still could learn something from you maybe...), but i just don't see whats wrong with it so far, show me.. ;)
urrrr crabcakes66 i don't have an attitude problem, just look at the model at the top. compared to the picture. If i am correct the barrel on that gun retracts and look at his model. The barrel is only about 2 ichies long. Thats completely wrong compared to the normal about 8 ihcies + the back handle has no setting on the bottom so that it can be attached to a stand. the bolt handle is a bit out of preportion. The barrel end does not have blocks inbetween the circles. So basiclly its not my attitude and the model is not correct. It has the basic shape of the gun but needs work if it is going to be at least 80/90% acurate.

Also i never said it looked bad in anyway. I am po9inting out things that are wrong with the model so he can fix them.

Also i am confused by what made u think i have an attitude problem? i didn't have an attitude to anything then. People post in here for feedback and since the rifle is not skinned yet I am guessing its not 100% complete. I am pointing out things so that he/she can change them.

i dont like the pistol with the red grip... i dont think the grip should come off at 90* it justs odd.. but the rest looks pritty cool
the sniper model does not have the stands on it because simply, we are not going to let the player prone in our mod..., so there is no need fo it, what you say about the 2 inch and the 8 inch barrel.. my god, the picture i showed of the real gun is completly desembled, the barrel slides in the main hull, all the way to the back, you don't see that when the weapon is in 1 pease. and there are severel picture of this weapon, i used a few things from other pictures that maybe look different then the one i posted. and yes the model = 100% done, all our models on the site are 100% done, i have to admit that the red devil handle is not really what i hoped it to be, but since the hand-model will cover it anyway, i'm not going to bother on that anymore.
Originally posted by IchI
urrrr crabcakes66 i don't have an attitude problem, just look at the model at the top. compared to the picture. If i am correct the barrel on that gun retracts and look at his model. The barrel is only about 2 ichies long. Thats completely wrong compared to the normal about 8 ihcies + the back handle has no setting on the bottom so that it can be attached to a stand. the bolt handle is a bit out of preportion. The barrel end does not have blocks inbetween the circles. So basiclly its not my attitude and the model is not correct. It has the basic shape of the gun but needs work if it is going to be at least 80/90% acurate.

Also i never said it looked bad in anyway. I am po9inting out things that are wrong with the model so he can fix them.

Also i am confused by what made u think i have an attitude problem? i didn't have an attitude to anything then. People post in here for feedback and since the rifle is not skinned yet I am guessing its not 100% complete. I am pointing out things so that he/she can change them.


Its the way you say things ichi......
Well i think the modles look bloody great simon KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK M8..;)
The models all look great. :)

However, that one skinned pistol looks atrocious. The model itself looks plenty cool, but the skin extremly low res. It look like it was a 128x128 texture.

I really like al those other models, and that sign is jsut amazing.
well, when i took these screenshots i didn't know you could turn off blur effect in 3DSmax, it blurs the texture.., as i said i still only model like 3 months /4 by now so i stilll learn stuff, i'v got a picture somewhere of it high rez, ill upload it when i find it :) hope you like it better then


i found them, these are renders and a bit of effects added in photoshop made by our australian skinner and airbrush painter :p, but the skin = 100% same as the other one i posted before.
btw: the texture is 1024*1024 :)


ohwell, the model is done, so it stays, the handmodel will cover it anyway :)
as ankalar said. the reflection will look wierd. but I am sure it will get replaced by shader tricks as the mod nears completion.

also the skin on the ammo clip looks really low res. I dont know but it looks really bad.
well, since it is our very first mod we are making with a couple of friends, we don't know alot of it, we can model/map/texture/code, but never did it, so when we start getting into the game, we will surely clear all that shit up :)
thanks for telling though, now i can tell our texturer that :)
Yes well as a texture of 128x128 i doubt you could even tell what is.
But as you can see from above the gun which has the same 1024x1024
texture on it. And there is NO spec. level map on it, and just a bumpmap the rest is just a textured and the bottom pic has had some
sun flares add to it in photoshop. just for fun. but thank you for your feed back, and we will try to make the pic,s a much closer so you can
see the detail on them. thankyou



ps: yes i do think the sign come up well thanks.