New Official L4D Developer Blog

Definitely awesome. Hope they have as much cool information as is in the TF2 blog.
That blog entry just got me sad and then when I clicked on "Get it on Steam", nothing happened. They ****ing tease us ARHG FSJKDFSJ I JUST WANT THIS DAMN GAME NOW! It's quality enough c'mon just ship snjfnsfnds.
Well with the inevitable new "Movies" that I guess will appear every three months or so, they'll definitely have enough to fill the blog up.
I can't wait until the game is out.

I'm also very glad that Valve is being a bit more transparent with blogging and such. :)
I hope we get to see the first alpha version of Left 4 Dead at some stage.

And I like this blog format too. It's like Team Fortress 2: Raising the Bar/Left 4 Dead: Raising the Bar without the cost and with more stuff.
Pretty cool, But I don't care enough for the game to be visiting it every week like I do with the TF2 Blog.

You really can make anything out of Lego's:
Oh yeah well I get instantaneous updates!



Only instantaneous when they update the RSS feed ;)

For the LBP blog, they don't update it right away (it updates at midnight I think), so potentially the RSS feed could be a day behind.