New Outputs in FGD



Is it possible to add new types of Inputs/Outputs to fgd files?

I've added a quaternion field to variant_t and added some quaternion inputs and outputs to some entities. How do I add those inputs and outputs to an fgd file?

For example, I'd like to add something like:

output NewOrientation(quaternion)

to my fgd file but quaternion is not defined in the fgd format, and hammer prints out an error when it reads that in. Is there any way to add new types?

i don't think there is. you'll have to find a workaround using the existing types i'd say
Fun fact of the day: the output type you choose in the FGD has no effect whatsoever on the way it works in-game. I don't know why they even allowed outputs to have types.

But if you've signed a blood pact with Satan and will lose your eternal soul if you can't find a proper type, use string.