new PC, help meh!


Companion Cube
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, so it's my 18th coming up soon, and my parents have given me a bit of cash, which supplemented with my EMA money gives me around ?1,250 (I would prolly get a bit more if I asked nicely). I'd like advice. Any comments/crits about the system I want to get.

Also I'd like some info anyone has on cheaper UK dealers (or US that ship to the UK, since I think overall some of the components would end up cheaper) than
Here's my specs: <- ta to the Brick for the list0r. Also Essy for help with the EVGA card thing.
But maybe an exchange from the current GFX card to this one:
depending on a few things. It's got a higher clock rate and a 90-day step up program so I can pay less if a new card like the 8900 series comes out in 90 days.

So shove your ideas down here folks! Much appreciated.

- Oh, my current rig if you want to know is:
AMD Athlon 2500+ (Used to be overclocked to 3200+ but I had to reset the BIOS), Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb (4 years old and is dying - Overheating on desktop/bootscreens), 1024mb of DDR400 RAM (pretty new, got it just before Oblivion came out), and an 80gb HD which I think is giving up the ghost too.
I've heard that Intel are cutting the cost of their CPU's around June time I think it was. Their quad core Core2Duo was comming down in price to a measly $266 which would be about ?150. So if you could wai until then to purchase then you could get an extra two cores for about the same price as the E6600.

Also OcUK have some nice prices on the Geil RAM. Great RAM and it'll save you around 30 or 40 quid.
and Here:

I'll try find a source for the Intel price cuts if you guys want one.

Found it :p 22nd July
The E6850 looks the best out of all those. Thanks Renny :)
As I said, that's still more than 2 months away. And I'd pick the quad core 2.4ghz over the dual core 3ghz. You can overclock the quad one too you know.
Personally I'd only wait it out if I'd have a proper pc already. In your case it's a bit out of range, I'd say go for it now. The geil 6400c4 looks like a really nice deal.
Personally I'd only wait it out if I'd have a proper pc already. In your case it's a bit out of range, I'd say go for it now. The geil 6400c4 looks like a really nice deal.
aye tbh I'd be happy just to have one that didn't overheat in the BIOS.
Here's my final rig. Read it and weep.
Peripherals like the monitor (22") are being bought some later time so they don't factor in. This is my final rig:
What does you think?
Danke to Brickazord!

EDIT: Does anyone know how well vista and xp boot together? I was gonna use that 80gb HDD to have XP and Vista on (2x40gb partitions), then install all my programs onto my 2 other 500gb harddrives. How well does this work in practice?
yus and you managed to make a monster rig in ?1200. Very impressive sir!