New PC

AJ Rimmer

Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yup, puttin' together a new PC. Require opinions:

Corsair XMS2-6400 TWIN2X4096-6400C5 G 5-5-5-18 Xtreme 2x2048MB DDR2 PC2-6400 800MHz with Heatsink

Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4 nForce 570 SLI MCP 4DDR2-DIMM 2PCI 5PCIe SATA Raid Audio GB-LAN Firewire Socket AM2 ATX

AMD Athlon64 X2 Dual-Core 6000+ 3.0GHz 2x1MB Boxed (with cpu-cooler!) Socket AM2

Asus Extreme GeForce 8800GT 512MB DDR3 TV-out HDTV DUAL DVI RETAIL PCI Express

Antec NeoPower HE High Efficiency 500W PSU

And possibly:
Seagate Barracuda ST3500630AS 7200.10 500GB 7200rpm 16MB cache SATA2

Anything that sucks? Anything that won't work with something else? Anything that's been proven to turn into jam during too high stress in bench-tests?
Everything looks pretty great, although that 2x2GB of RAM is superfluous. 2x1GB is a cheaper alternative and you'll not notice a decrease in performance.

The X2 is a good choice- what's your monitor? May I suggest a widescreen? :P
List looks good, but you may want a slightly more powerful PSU if you plan on grabbing another 8800GT for SLI down the road. If not, I'd say you're all set. Any reason why you're going with AMD over Intel for the processor?
Everything looks pretty great, although that 2x2GB of RAM is superfluous. 2x1GB is a cheaper alternative and you'll not notice a decrease in performance.

The X2 is a good choice- what's your monitor? May I suggest a widescreen? :P

My monitor is a 19" TFT.
Not really interested in SLI and... I like AMD. Had AMDs for a long time and never been disappointed so far.
My monitor is a 19" TFT.
Not really interested in SLI and... I like AMD. Had AMDs for a long time and never been disappointed so far.

Fair enough. If you're an overclocker, Intel is the way to go. If not, more power to you.
Not a clocker, no. I'm not embarassed to admit hardware isn't really my fort

That's perfectly fine. I think it's fun, and one of the reasons I like upgrading often. Your setup should not disappoint you.
Well my computer was great 2 and a half years ago and now... not so great. Plus it's got a graphics card that's suffering from heating issues so... time to put the old girl down. ;(
Looks pretty solid to me. Good build overall. What OS are you going to be running it on? Reason I ask, is that 32bit systems only support up to 3gb of RAM currently, your 4gb won't be utilised unless you go 64bit. You could save yourself some money and go for some higher spec RAM at 2gb (some type of 8500 @ 1066MHz) if you want to spend the same amount of money. It's up to you really. Quality > Quantity
Looks pretty solid to me. Good build overall. What OS are you going to be running it on? Reason I ask, is that 32bit systems only support up to 3gb of RAM currently, your 4gb won't be utilised unless you go 64bit. You could save yourself some money and go for some higher spec RAM at 2gb (some type of 8500 @ 1066MHz) if you want to spend the same amount of money. It's up to you really. Quality > Quantity

Oh. Oh that's a good point. I was planning on running the normal (32bit) version of Windows XP...
How about that then as a replacement?
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Dropping to 2gb RAM should be fine in your case, that way you'll still be able to make use of dual-channel. I run games on Vista perfectly fine with just 2 gigs.
Not much to say except enjoy your purchase and may you frag in high res.
If you going to get 32bit OS, get 2x1GB modules probably PC2 6400 2T timings. 3GB is most 32bit OS will recognize.
If you intent to OC, That 6000+ wont do much Worth OCing, probably 200Mhz more can be squeezed out that. Look into Intel S775 chips. Otherwise get a decent HSF, AMD's HSF on 6000+ (AM2) HSF suck.
Its never; a bad idea to get a SLI board. Nforce 590 based is the best for AMD based platforms. Why? because, even Though; you're absolutely positive certain: That you will never, ever buy a second card for SLI in your lifetime; I know You probably will. SLI 590 chips offer full 16x16 SLI option instead of 8x8x that 570 MB will offer.

I don't have much to say about PSU, other than; I don't know them, and this could mean that; I don't know them, maybe that's why I have not much to say about it because; I don't know them. Some one else could maybe offer more advice on that.

Good Luck. Great rig "What's left of it"
I've got an Antec case and it's incredibly well-built.
If you going to get 32bit OS, get 2x1GB modules probably PC2 6400 2T timings. 3GB is most 32bit OS will recognize.
If you intent to OC, That 6000+ wont do much Worth OCing, probably 200Mhz more can be squeezed out that. Look into Intel S775 chips. Otherwise get a decent HSF, AMD's HSF on 6000+ (AM2) HSF suck.
Its never; a bad idea to get a SLI board. Nforce 590 based is the best for AMD based platforms. Why? because, even Though; you're absolutely positive certain: That you will never, ever buy a second card for SLI in your lifetime; I know You probably will. SLI 590 chips offer full 16x16 SLI option instead of 8x8x that 570 MB will offer.

I don't have much to say about PSU, other than; I don't know them, and this could mean that; I don't know them, maybe that's why I have not much to say about it because; I don't know them. Some one else could maybe offer more advice on that.

Good Luck. Great rig "What's left of it"

I'm not planning on over-clocking, I'm not interested in getting SLI and Antec is a good brand. :P So what about that other RAM I picked?
Oh. Oh that's a good point. I was planning on running the normal (32bit) version of Windows XP...
How about that then as a replacement?

Those are high spec, but they'll have the dominator covering them which is this traffic light thing which sits across the RAM to keep them cool. It's meant for RAM that is being OCed majorly. I don't think you'll need something that incredible, I'd advise looking into OCZ or the Crucial Ballistix range for some high quality memory!
Corsair XMS2-6400 TWIN2X2048-6400C4 4-4-4-12 Xtreme 2x1024MB (tot. 2GB) DDR2 PC2-6400 800MHz with Heatsink

This then?
Looks good to me from the name, got the link for it so I can see the heatsink it talks about? Although I said the 8500 speed, these are highly recommended from some reviews I've looked at.
I'm not too sure with the conversion rates and how much those cost, but they look good to me. Make sure you google them first and read all the reviews you can find to see their ideal timings and performance in modern games. Should be excellent, but worth looking.
I'm not planning on over-clocking

Even If you're not OCing; I still suggest you to get a decent HSF. The AM2 HSF isn't sufficient enough for a 6000+ running at 125w. ZALMAN is always my #1
Choice. Unless you like your CPUs at 40 degrees idle; saves you a lot on your heat-bill.

I'm not interested in getting SLI
Well, may I interest you in something? Setting up yourself for the future with an open SLI option is a must? You'll never know when it'll come handy. Specially when you ARE the "commitment" Type and Source is getting old. You already choose SLI MB, why not choose a MB with better chipset?

It's Not a sermon Just a thought.

and Antec is a good brand. :P

Sure Antec makes great PSU but, it is that particular one you picked I don't know of. it doesn't necessarily mean its bad, I just don't know about it. Google it's reviews and see what others are saying.

So what about that other RAM I picked?

Those RAMS are for OC and benchmarking.
If you're never going to overclock stay with PC2 6400 with tighter timing like, and keep the performance kicking without tweaking.

Good Luck.
Even If you're not OCing; I still suggest you to get a decent HSF. The AM2 HSF isn't sufficient enough for a 6000+ running at 125w. ZALMAN is always my #1
Choice. Unless you like your CPUs at 40 degrees idle; saves you a lot on your heat-bill.
Does not compute. Doesn't make the room warmer or cooler. It's just a delayed effect of how fast the heat gets off the CPU, not the amount of heat. :p

Would need to raise/lower the CPU voltage or get a CPU that uses less or more Watts to make any impact on room temp.
Does not compute. Doesn't make the room warmer or cooler. It's just a delayed effect of how fast the heat gets off the CPU, not the amount of heat. :p
Would need to raise/lower the CPU voltage or get a CPU that uses less or more Watts to make any impact on room temp.

Does not Compute? I knew you were a cheap robot. Made In Sri Lanka

I already exaggerated the heat watts effect, please Asus, do not exaggerate more. :P

My point wasn't about; whether 6000+ could be used as a space-heater, but rather 6000+ generates lost of heat at stock frequency (40 degrees idle)and stock HSF that come with AM2 chips are actually a joke.

Checkout the 700+ reviewers at Newegg.
I'm glad it's the season where heat is a good thing here.