New Prey screenshots.

Thanks for the info man!!!!!!!
these screenies are teh shuzer!!!!!!!!
wasnt it supposed to come out back in 97 or sumthin????
im glad it didnt:E
To be honest, it looks very similar visually to the new Dooms, although the textures have much less focus on pure shineyness.

The old man looks cartoony, but maybe that's the point?
That game looks and sounds like doom. I dont think I will be picking that up..EQ2 and BF2 are all you need to waste every free second you have haha.
I can't get over how COOL this game looks.

I don't care if it looks like Doom 3, It is built off of the engine after all.
I just looks so f*cking cool.
the e3 vid was pretty cool, they looked like they were doing some nice things with the d3 engine, the environments on the roof and walking upside down etc, not to mention the children bit :|

the enemies look very odd.
Glirk Dient said:
That game looks and sounds like doom. I dont think I will be picking that up..EQ2 and BF2 are all you need to waste every free second you have haha.

Its the same engine as Doom3, yet a more advanced version. No doubt will have some crazy multiplayer modes
These shots confirm that this isn't just a Doom clone as earlier shots led me to believe. I am really excited now. :D
Its the same engine as Doom3, yet a more advanced version. No doubt will have some crazy multiplayer modes

Double posting is bad.
Hhm, I just noticed it, thankyou for the advice, (C'mon, it only happened once or twice)

That is why you get a pass first time ;)
Awesome still cant wait for this game! I remember the E3 video. The engine looks great but its mostly the gameplay im looking forward to ;D
Cant wait for this game. Looks great.
Amazing! I love the DOOM 3 engine. I'll definitely be picking this one up when it comes out.

One thing that I like about this game is the diversity. The weapons look diverse and unique. The enemies are all designed very well. And lastly, the maps look fun and interesting. The portals and the ability to walk on walls should make for some interesting gameplay.
Did somebody say "walk on walls"?!!? Man, that's one of the best features ever! I still play AVP2 religiously for that very reason. I may consider purchasing this game.
Yeah, only on specific tracks. Think metroid prime style puzzles, and that part where one kid impaled another on a spike was sick..
Meh, I thought the Doom3 engines looks were guh.> Granted it looks good..just not my style. I'm more of the way HL2 looks...iunno..I just can't get into the whole rubber/claylike looks everything has..too shiney for my tastes :P
what I like the most is it originality

is not like the currents FPS that are about a war beetween humans and aliens and stuff like that this game hav a more original idea that any other FPS recently
I swear I'm not racist

Many thanks for the screenshots. May the spirit of the eagle ... run through you like the buffalo (old native american man voice, so read as burfolo).

I'll say it was high time that our casino-running, reservation-dwelling friends got exposure in a video game. The last one I can recall is Atari's arcade game Toobin' (also on NES).
I'm glad to see the developers really differentiating the game from Doom 3.

All the early screens looked kinda Doom 3-clonish, while these really look unique and exciting.
I've watched the 184mb video of Prey a few times and it felt like a generic shooter with a few things going for it. The portal system is one of them, but gives me the sense that it'd feel like im not making any progress because it's never not one contiguous level.

The bosses looked impressive too, espcially the Balrog type beast - but i wish they'd use some imagination like they have with the puzzles regarding how your supposed to kill them - we've seen plenty of shoot it a thousand times till it collapses bosses already. Thats also why the striders in HL2 were something of a dissapointment for me.

The Doom 3 engine looks amazing again too though, and it looks like they've done a better job at using it than ID, rather than letting it become a beautiful backdrop on which everything plays out.

I shouldn't be drawing conclusions from one vid though, but im not getting such good first impressions.

Seems like this isnt giving me the buzz its giving other people, help me out here :(
After watching the video a couple of times, I'm way more impressed with this game. Did you see the pasty white mutants attack him? They totally dodged his grenades. The story looks good, the graphics look good, and the puzzles look good. I'm soooo itchin' for this game to come out.
The screen shots have been removed, anyone have a copy?
