New Processor?


Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Hey guys,

I posted over at but I would really like your advice too ;)

My specs after upgrade at end of this week:

Athlon XP 2400+
1024MEG of DDR RAM
X800 XT

Now, I thought with the ram upgrade, I wouldn't bottleneck the graphics card, but someone "over there" reckons my processor will?!

Is this true because in all fairness, I don't mind upgrading the RAM because it'll improve my system quite a bit without hurting the bank balance too much, but have I really got to upgrade my processor aswell now!?

Thanks in advance for anyone who helps me out :) :thumbs:
I'm afraid it will lay a strain on your graph card.
Read this article, it explains how the processor will hold back your graph cards capabilites if it isn't good enough. Note, that your graph card is one of the best around, and therefore you need a bloody good CPU to match it. An Athlon 3000+ should do the trick without too much setback on the graph card, but as seen in the test a 3800+ is the ultimative thing.(****ing expensive too)

EDIT: I'm not Athlon expert though, so if you know the Pentium equilivant then I'd be more capable of helping.

Edit 2: RAM looks fine enough!
Cheers Champ! :thumbs:

I had a look at that in another thread and I think it's best I get an X800 Pro, would you agree?

I might get the modded one with 16 pipes, worth it?
Well, there are several options that I would recommend.
- Upgrade your CPU to faster speeds (Athlon 3000+/P4 3GHz) and buy the X800 XT
- Upgrade your CPU to faster speeds (Athlon 3000+/P4 3GHz) and buy the X800 Pro or the 6800 GT ( I recommend the 6800 GT of the two.)
- Keep computer and buy the X800 XT (to keep for future CPU upgrades)
- Keep computer and buy a graph card one class lower (X800 Pro, or The Nvidia 6800 GT. I recommend the 6800 GT of the two)

Your CPU is far from the fastest around, so spend some money on a faster CPU and buy the 6800 GT or X800 Pro (Or the X800 XT if you still can afford it). That is my best bet
The 2400 might hold the card back a little but you'll still be able to run HL2 more than fast enough with that GPU.
If you know which specific models of X800Pro is capable of being soft-modded into the 16-pipe version (some can even handle XT speeds without needing extra cooling)... and you can find one... I would definately get one of those.
Shadow-warrior. Look at the link I've provided. The x800XT is holding back on a 2,8Ghz Pentium. Why would it be any different with a slower athlon 2400+? I say upgrade your processor and buy an nvidia 6800 GT. That way you're safe in the future with both your processor and you graph card being good, opposed to a mediocore processor and a mind-blowing graph card.

About overclocking an X800 Pro: If you're a newbie to modding, then I'd stay away from it and take the safe bet (6800 GT) which outruns the unmodded X800 Pro in most cases. Just a suggestion though, do whatever you see fit!
I think I'll go for the X800 XT and upgrade my processor next month, good idea guys?
That is the best solution if ye have the money! Remember the motherboard needs to fit the CPU!