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Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
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Tierney Bram Leonard Roberts, born today weighing 7lb 10oz


It looks a bit... red. What did I tell you about leaving them out in the sun?
They need to ripen!

For best ripening results, try an incubator.:D
Congratz, how many is that now? Your wife used to childbirth yet? :LOL:
This is my third (my wife's fourth) and our LAST. No more.
Definately? Have you had "the snip" as my sister affectionately calls it to my dad?
SimonomiS said:
Definately? Have you had "the snip" as my sister affectionately calls it to my dad?

Heh, no. We're just not going to have any more. We're still discussing the exact details :p
Well congratulations on the birth of your son! :D
looks like a lobtser........gimme some butter!

just joking congrats Pi
Lemonking said:
looks like a lobtser........gimme some butter!

just joking congrats Pi

So not only do you insult how Pi Mu Rho's, a well respected and highly intelligent and fair mods, baby looks, you also say you want to butter him up and i presume to eat him....:flame:


Congrats Pi and never say never, as accidents can and do happen. And don't listen to Lemonking, you eat Lobster with lemons, not bloody butter.
but u eat pancakes with butter or lemons,

oh the confusion

Congrats:) i think the middle name James would rock ;)
You should have hired a marketing rep to find a more appealing name :p

Congrats neway!
Garfield_ said:
Congrats, Looks just like you doesnt it ;)
but Pi's black? hang on!!?!?! :p

Otherwise, congratulations, i wish you many happy years of chaos!

Man, I never want kids. You've got guts to be able to go through with that sort of thing.

-Angry Lawyer
Congratulations :D

Have a glass of Champagne, then prepare for several more years of sleepless nights...:E
hehe awwww ;)
congrats Pi!!!

so in a few years we can expect PiJR to be posting here? :E
Congratulations Pi :).

I would have made a joke about Pi and maths and cirlces, but I'm not funny enough.
Feath said:
Well done.

/me raises a class of wine.

You raised a what? ;)

So Pi, any reasoning behind the name or did you both just think it sounded nice?
Peek-a-boo!! Peek-a-boo!!

Soz, I get carried away with photos of babies, Congrats!

Was he born in Preston or further away
SimonomiS said:
You raised a what? ;)

So Pi, any reasoning behind the name or did you both just think it sounded nice?

We just liked it, and it's fairly uncommon.
Bram is a hardcore name. Like Bram Stoker. Man, if I were that baby, I'd kick your ass for not putting Bram at the front of my name.

Still, congratulations.

-Angry Lawyer