New Quake IV art and design information.

Its not much, but the shotgun concept is nice, possibility of upgrading weapons? :D Or has that been told and I'm just unaware of it?
EDIT: Ah ok, haven't been paying Q4 much attention tbh, not much point as theres hardly any chance of me being able to run it.
Nope, Raven confirmed you will be able to upgrade them(weapons).
Its gonna be awesome. :)

Can't wait to see the trailer at E3.
Jangle said:
it looks quite a lot like doom 3..

Using Doom3 engine, and from what they've shown yea you can say it does. They say in the article (or was it the CGW article?) that at E3 they want to show you that it won't look all like Doom3 :D Yay for outdoor scenes!