New RAM problems, no boot up, etc.


Party Escort Bot
Dec 20, 2004
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I'm selling my current PC to my cousin but before he wanted it, he wanted some upgrades like more RAM (to a GB), bigger harddrive, etc. Well, all the parts came in yesterday and I cannot get the RAM to work. Without the new RAM, my system boots up fine with 2x 256MB. But when I put in the new RAM (1x 512MB), my system either randomly restarts after the Windows loading screen, or reaches the user account pick screen and tells me I have a Windows registery error then it restarts.

I have the MB manual sitting right here. It says that it supports up to a 1GB stick and I know it accepts PC2700. It says...

You can install either single- or double-sided modules in any order to meet your own needs.

Again, without the new RAM, my system boots up perfectly.

Old RAM (works fine)

Any thoughts?
I should try that, but, eh, I wouldn't have thought it'd make the whole system to be faulty. I'll try it in another system right now.
are you using the 3 sticks at once, because i believe that may cause a problem. I heard somewhere with 3 sticks it doesnt work with amd 64. Might be with skt 754 though.
No, no. This is on my current system (AMD 1.8 BARTON 2500+, 9600XT, 512MB), my NEW system is still in transit.

I just tryed it on my mom's system (AMD 1.6, 5200, 512MB) and it works fine.

Try running it at 266Mhz.

Maybe up the voltage to it slightly (only if you know what you are doing).

I run cheap kingston ram in my AX7N-E Deluxe and it works great.

Why get PC2700 I find 3200 is cheaper or the same price. You will get better performance out of it too! I underclock 3200 to 2700 and overclock the latencies.
About the voltage, I've looked into that but, in my BIOS, there is no place for increasing the voltage only messing with the CAS Latency and timings.
Qonfused said:

Still not working.

You have tried underclocking it by 100mhz or so?

If not lower the CPU's FSB and try that.

These are mostly seeing if your mobo doesnt like the ram.
I'll try that.

I emailed Kingston to see what they can come up with.
How can I do Memtest if my system won't even boot up with the RAM?

bryanf445 said:
are you using the 3 sticks at once, because i believe that may cause a problem. I heard somewhere with 3 sticks it doesnt work with amd 64. Might be with skt 754 though.

That is with socket 754, and you can run 1 stick at 400mhz, 2 at 333, and if you want to run three you have to run them all at 266mhz. This is not the fault of the motherboard, but the older socket 754 cpus.
Got an email back from Kingston.

We no longer support Chaintech boards with our memory. We can still replace the part if you'd like, but I cannot guarantee it will work in this system.

What the hell. The Kimgston RAM in my system NOW works fine.
I thought them kind of problems only came up when your total system memory got over a gig

And to get memtest, your gonna have to obviously get yourself to another machine.
Just get a different stick (model). It's either faulty or incompatible with your configuration of parts which happens.