New Rammstein album on its way

Just as long as it isn't like Rosenrot =/
Rammstein scares me.

Their music is like... cheesy metal.
Rammstein scares me.

Their music is like... cheesy metal.

Just as long as it isn't like Rosenrot =/
What wasn't there to like about Rosenrot? I loved the slower tracks. Stirb nicht vor mir did pretty much suck but for the most part that was a great album.
Conclusion: Tanz Metal (dance metal)=Industrial Metal ?!

Whatever I still prefer to call it industrial metal
Rammstein's definitely techno metal.

Metal that you can actually dance to.
Rammstein's definitely techno metal.

Metal that you can actually dance to.

And if you don't believe us listen to "Heirate Mich" or "Spiel Mit Mir"

Don't know what kind of dances you would do though. >.>