New Release: Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod 0.2


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all!!

I have finished my second version of Pilotable Strider Mod.

You can download here:

(read REAME.txt).

You can see screenshots here:

This are the new features:

- Direct Key navigation (WAD). Sorry, no backwards
- Crouch (With Duck key)
- Anti-matter cannon (With the Second attack button (default right mouse))
- Leg Attack ( With Jump key). Pointing a objective.
- Third Person View (With Reload Key)
- Drive directly touching and using the strider (With USE key, like a jeep or a buggy).

Half life 2:
- In the mod, if you load a Half life 2 map, you can create a strider with the command create_strider or directly pressing K key, and drive it in your favourite map (works with almost all HL2 maps). Also, you can create it in your custom HL2 single map.

- If you create a Half life 2 map in Hammer with a npc_strider and load it in the mod, this strider will be driveable too. (Create you own Pilotable Strider Maps). Or you can create a map without it and create using K key or create_strider in the console.

Note: In this mod, the console key is L.

In version 0.3, this mod will be MULTIPLAYER. And you can make maps for it.

How to play:

Copy stridermod2 folder into SourceMods folder.

In PLAY menu on Steam, go to Third party games and double click in stridermod2. Here, choose NEW GAME and select your favourite chapter.

Press K key to create a strider, or in the console create_strider

Comments to:[email protected]

Thanks all. Bye!!
A big thumbs up to you. Great work. Its appreciated.
Wtf... I just replied to this thread... wheres my post vanished to!!!

Just played. Its alot of fun.

Great work

Oh and a multiplayer version would be incredible....

Gona have to make a custom map for that.... a large one lol.
Awesome work!

You need to raise the roof on the quart_strider map though, in third person I clip out the map and cant see shit.

Perhaps have respawning combine too.

Oh and the stab attack is useless - cant hit anyone.