new s.t.a.l.k.e.r. interview, impressive stuff


Multiplayer, allowing for up to 32 players in a game, will support several game modes. This will certainly include analogues of Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and team mode, ala Counter-Strike. Possibly we will add original multiplayer modes, which will make use of the unusual game world.

Well I thought it was 64. CS? Now thats Interesting.
No co-op? I was hoping to play this with my dad. Hey G0rg how are thos t-shirts coming along? After reading the interview I have concluded that this will be the best game for a very long time and will rule the world of gaming. That is all.
gsc did say co-op will be in the game, though have not spoken about it lately. I really hope it will be included.
Believe it or not, I was just going to post something about this. This game is possibly the greatest rival to HL2. Don't get me wrong, HL2 looks great and I can't wait to get it, but if stalker delivers everything it promises then it will blow HL2 out of the water. Though I still plan to get both, I just hope one of them comes out within the next year...
why do game companies ignore co-op? i heard sven co-op for hl2 will be officially supported...but games like COD really deserve it and always end up without.
Sounds very impressive. It all looks great, the art is without doubt the best of all of the next gen fps games. But I remain sceptical about that AI system, not because I don't trust the good people of GSC but we've heard that "characters have their own lives" a few times too many. In most games, it just means you see them walking around the street and they have a final destination to go to. I hope this turns out differently in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (annoying name to type, hell I'll just call it Stalker).
Stalker looks amazing, I really cannot wait to get my hands on this game. Thanks for the interview cadaver :)
In a way I have completely fogotten about HL2. The only thing that's reminding me about are these forums. My days of HL2 are pretty much dying.
yeah...there are a bunch of at-least-as-good-looking games coming out...i don't have that sense of awe and excitement about hl2 anymore...though the mod community will be huge and i'm sure it'll still be fun...especially the physics engine based mods...
ray_MAN said:
No co-op? I was hoping to play this with my dad. Hey G0rg how are thos t-shirts coming along? After reading the interview I have concluded that this will be the best game for a very long time and will rule the world of gaming. That is all.

Its done. I took few pictures of them and they all look horrible. My digi-cum is crap. Anyway I am trying to take some more pics and edit them with photoshop, I will post them hopfully by the weekend. :thumbs:
ray_Man, "fu..... "
'nuff said

Actually, that may have not been the edit, but the "stuff" was a different word originally
"GeForce FX will provide dynamic light sources and soft dynamic shadows cast from anything onto anything and bump-mapping on all surfaces which at least exceeds the Doom 3 technology."

I find that a little too bold a statement
looks good , yay! lets get exited.. lol .. or how about we just wait till it comes out. and see how it fairs, books to movie screens work (LOTR).. but will a book to a game work.... :upstare:
clarky, the game isn't based on a book, they just borrowed some ideas.

Anyway, the AI sounds too goo to be true, companies always hype up their product, I doubt it'll be as dynamic as they claim. Who knows, though. I guess only time will tell
I doubt it'll be as dynamic as they claim.

I guess you guys haven't seen 'the video' showing off the lighting in Stalker. Stalker lighting > Doom 3 lighting. It's funny, last time I posted that on another forum, this dumb ass posted back saying "I played the alpha, and the lighting sucked." Dumbass failed to realise the alpha isn't DX 9.
Lol, plus the alpha has no shadows. I'd say Stalker lighting looks far better that Doom 3's, none of that ugly razor-shadow crap.
I wasn't talking about dynamic lights :| I was talking about that whole "dynamic gameplay," where the AI live lives at all times during the game, bartering with eachother and what have you. I know the lighting is all that and a bag of chips :)
This game is second on my most wanted list next to HL2. I doubt there bullshitting about the AI, a gamer went to visit them and he said the AI was already partially working. They have also answered specific questions on how the AI works so it's quite likely it will be what they say it is.
something I keep asking and not getting a responce on...

Stalker is offline right? A SP game?

PLEASE say yes...I'm all for an online stalker game, but on 56K forget it, and I want to enjoy an an enthralling SP game.... :D
A2597 said:
something I keep asking and not getting a responce on...

Stalker is offline right? A SP game?

PLEASE say yes...I'm all for an online stalker game, but on 56K forget it, and I want to enjoy an an enthralling SP game.... :D

Yes, it's a single player RPG/FPS. There's going to be co-op, supposedely, but that won't be required