New Shadow of the Colossus footage


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Looks incredible, I just hope they fix the frame rate to a little more acceptable level.

Anyways, >HERE< are the two new videos (Shadow of the Colossus Game Footage Battle 1 and 2).

whoooi!! this game looks so ****ing great! really brilliant stuff..
looks great, brilliant animation and the colussi look and sound good too, nice music aswell, sony's internal dev team really do some nice stuff..environments look huge...
This game just looks beautiful, I hope these one won’t be underrated like its predecessor….
I like to fight against giant creatures so this game looks good

I hope that the way of figth against this thing is like in god of war where you climb trough the big creatures and stuff
<RJMC> said:
I like to fight against giant creatures so this game looks good

I hope that the way of figth against this thing is like in god of war where you climb trough the big creatures and stuff
each creature is supposed to be like a big puzzle that you have to figure out how to get up and find its weak spot, which should be interesting, challenging, and overall fun... i'm so excited for this game:bounce:
Wow, I'm definitely impressed. Thanks for bringing this game to light. I had heard of it but never seen it in action.

Just amazing. The PS2 is still kickin' some ass.
When's this due out? I been following this since it was called Wanda and the Colossus. Finally I'll be able to dust off my PS2!
StardogChampion said:
When's this due out? I been following this since it was called Wanda and the Colossus. Finally I'll be able to dust off my PS2!

September the 20’th this year.
The game looks interesting, but I hope it has more depth to it than just climbing on the gigantic monsters and killing them. There should be much more potential, with those wide open, beautiful landscapes and that horse. Hope there' lots of smaller action stuff to do, and the colossus's are like the giant bosses or something.
Raziaar said:
The game looks interesting, but I hope it has more depth to it than just climbing on the gigantic monsters and killing them. There should be much more potential, with those wide open, beautiful landscapes and that horse. Hope there' lots of smaller action stuff to do, and the colossus's are like the giant bosses or something.

If it's anything like Ico then the experience of being there will be enough. Just walking around in Ico captivated more than most games.
Raziaar said:
The game looks interesting, but I hope it has more depth to it than just climbing on the gigantic monsters and killing them. There should be much more potential, with those wide open, beautiful landscapes and that horse. Hope there' lots of smaller action stuff to do, and the colossus's are like the giant bosses or something.

I am sure there will be more pusslez that jus climb the colosus,for exmaple in one pic I saw a giant flying thing so sure you will hav to do something to tear it down maybe?
Sparta said:
Only on PS2?

Yup, PS2 exclusive. Just like Ico and God of War and many other amazing new IPs that really push the hardware. Let's hope the PS3 can muster up this sort of development because just imagine the potential game quality!
Quick question: Do we know if the PS3 is going to be backwards compatible?

I don't have a PS2 and I don't want to buy one right before the system dies.
bvasgm said:
Quick question: Do we know if the PS3 is going to be backwards compatible?

I don't have a PS2 and I don't want to buy one right before the system dies.

Yup, it will be compatible all the way back to the PS1. A LOT of bang for the buck if you ask me :-)
VictimOfScience said:
Yup, it will be compatible all the way back to the PS1. A LOT of bang for the buck if you ask me :-)

This is the only reason I can't decide between PS3 and 360.... I want to play all these sexeh PS2 games next gen... :(

I don't care what anyone says, backwards compatibility is worth a lot!
Noobulon said:
This is the only reason I can't decide between PS3 and 360.... I want to play all these sexeh PS2 games next gen... :(

I don't care what anyone says, backwards compatibility is worth a lot!
Is the PS3 going to enhance older games with like more anti-aliasing and other such wonders or is it just the same?
I imagine it will be the same, just as PS1 games weren't enhanced by PS2.

Upping the resolution and so on through emulation tends not to give predictable results.
Just pick up a PS2 when the PS3 is released :)

They'lll be cheap as chips.

//off topic

The PS2 really has come into its towards the end of this generation. MGS3, DMC3, God of War, Wanda to name just a few. I'm particularly excited about Okami too (which deserves it's own thread me thinks :))
Looks awsome. This is really going to give Zelda Twilight Princess some competition. My only complaint(s) is the framerate, and the camera looks like it can get clunky sometimes.
man im really looking forward to this...dust off the old ps2, havent played it since mgs3...
In the PLAY magazine July issue, there is an interview with the head of the development team of Shadow of The Colossus, He said that the game is only about finding and taking down the colossi (16 in total), you will have to figure out how to climb them to the top and find their week spots, taking down every single one of the Colossi will be accomplished in different ways from one another, it seems that the Colossi are not Bad Beasts, they are like mystical creatures scattered around the world, and every time you take down one of them you will fell like you accomplished something big but you will feel also some sadness because like I told you before those beast are not bad, You have to Kill the colossi because it seems is the only way to save/bring back to life the princess, there wont be nothing else action wise, however, this is part of the beauty of the game you will travel HUGE distances trough many different landscapes along with your horse named “Agro” (the only one that has a name in the whole game).
rAdIOhEaD said:
In the PLAY magazine July issue, there is an interview with the head of the development team of Shadow of The Colossus, He said that the game is only about finding and taking down the colossi (16 in total), you will have to figure out how to climb them to the top and find their week spots, taking down every single one of the Colossi will be accomplish in different ways from one another, it seems that the Colossi are not Bad Beasts, they are like mystical creatures scattered around the world, and every time you take down one of them you will fell like you accomplished something big but you will feel also some sadness because like I told you before those beast are not bad, You have to Kill the colossi because it seems is the only way to save/bring back to life the prince, there wont be nothing else action wise, however, this is part of the beauty of the game you will travel HUGE distances trough many different landscapes along with your horse named “Agro” (the only one that has a name in the whole game).

Sounds pretty surreal. While watching the vid and the guy clambering up the Colossus, I started to ask myself "hmm, would this actually be fun?" I dunno...if that's all there is to the game, it sounds a bit empty to me.

Also - Agro is a funny name.
For the first time I actually want to have a PS2! Man that game looked good, I hope some of my friends buy it so that I can steal their Ps2's :p