New shots of rogue trooper game

Looks like Timesplitters 2 graphics.. :thumbs:
Looks like the original Rogue as well, and not Friday -- which is a bit strange as you'da thunk the first Fr1day story "War Machine" might have been better suited for a game's backdrop.

Will the usual Rogue Trooper memes be in there: backpack dispensing mines, helmet loaded with sensors, etc. Is big blue hunting down the traitor general? Will the biochips be constantly bitching each other out as usual? And, most of all, why the fcuk isn't this being aimed at the PC when a future-war type genre game would suit a proper FPS better than them thar sucky consoles?
@snark: I guess the more "cartooney" feel of the original series allows for a wider audience and is easier to sell.
Hope all of those things will be in , as they are what makes the story distinctive.
As for no pc , well we cant be sure , I just made that (hasty )assumption due to the lack of pc screens.
Hopefully that assumption will be wrong.