New Starcraft Patch soon


May 27, 2003
Reaction score


We have been working on a new patch for StarCraft, and it includes a host of new features to streamline and enhance multiplayer competition. You can expect the update to be available for download in the next few weeks, but we wanted to give you a taste of what’s in store for you when the patch does arrive.

* The multiplayer chat screen will now show a preview of the map you will play on.
* The creator of a private game can now make the game public under the creator’s name in the multiplayer chat screen.
* A Friends List will be added to the game to keep track of your friends on
* Friend mail will be added to the game to let you email members of your Friends List.
* A password-recovery and email-registration function will be added to allow you to recover your password via email.
* A minimap ping will be added to the game to allow you to ping a location on the map.
* It will now be easier to set building rally points.
* We will include updated versions of three of the most popular ladder maps – Lost Temple, Dire Straits, and Rivalry – in order to better suit the newer style of ladder play.

Looks like they are holding us off until Starcraft 2 :afro:
Whoop-dee-doo... I've had enough of SC patches... SC2 all the way! :D
Isnt starcraft 2 going to be a RPG type game rather than a RTS?
No, that's Starcraft Ghost, a side story to StarCraft where you play a Ghost :)
I thought there was already a friends list in starcraft...
maybe they were playtesting it to get a feel for it in preparation for a new game :)
Very nice of them to still support such a old game. Never liked starcraft tho :/
It's nice that they're still updating it (and it make sense, since it's got 40,000 people online playing Starcraft at any point in time, which is insane for a game that's going on 7 years) but DAMN, I want Starcraft 2.
Well Ennui how many people still play Half-Life? Probably more than 40,000 I would believe :)

Anyways I'm pleased that they are still supporting this, even though I lost my copy of StarCraft.... I'm just guessing they are encouraging people to still play SC because it will probably be a while until we get our hands on a SC2...
Star Craft is the only RTS I enjoy, but I lost my copy. It is truly the definition of good strategy gaming. And with this many players to this day and the game still selling for a decent price, they would be insane not to make a sequel.
Starcraft 2 has been announced.
I thought there was already a friends list in starcraft...
You had to type /F L for that now you will just click a button like in Wc3 so you can see them in a chat room type of thing.

BTW, 40k is its average.
On late night weekends try around 100k. Hell back in August I remember comin on to 200k!!!!
Starcraft still is very popular, one of the most online played games in history.

It never had a online mod or anything like that. Mods didn't keep it alive. Solid gameplay, luck(Warzone 2100 and TA Developers shut down), Sweet Online Service, Right Time, A great mapping community = A great ass game.

Starcraft pwns!
(I actually new about this yesterday at blizzforums)
HOPEFULLY they actually redid the total minimap code. If they redid that minimap code I would hire 1,000 hookers to go over to blizzard. Ohhh I would priase them.
Thing keeping mapping community from 512x512 maps = Minimap crashes starcraft because of bad coding on it.
If minimap code is done alot better = 512x512 maps, or even higher sizes really!

a taste of what’s in store for you when the patch does arrive.
A taste is not the whole thing.
What else are they adding?
Minerel said:
Starcraft 2 has been announced.

You had to type /F L for that now you will just click a button like in Wc3 so you can see them in a chat room type of thing.

BTW, 40k is its average.
On late night weekends try around 100k. Hell back in August I remember comin on to 200k!!!!
Starcraft still is very popular, one of the most online played games in history.

It never had a online mod or anything like that. Mods didn't keep it alive. Solid gameplay, luck(Warzone 2100 and TA Developers shut down), Sweet Online Service, Right Time, A great mapping community = A great ass game.

Starcraft pwns!
(I actually new about this yesterday at blizzforums)
HOPEFULLY they actually redid the total minimap code. If they redid that minimap code I would hire 1,000 hookers to go over to blizzard. Ohhh I would priase them.
Thing keeping mapping community from 512x512 maps = Minimap crashes starcraft because of bad coding on it.
If minimap code is done alot better = 512x512 maps, or even higher sizes really!

A taste is not the whole thing.
What else are they adding?

link the SC2 announcement?
Opps I forgot the NOT lol. Sorry bout that. Damnit I can't edit it
Opps! lol big time opps.
It should say
Starcraft 2 has not been announced.

Stupid me.
Yeah that mod looks very promising.... the C&C mod looked like crap... as I said looked.. blizzard shut that one down.