New Steam Release Today


May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Valve's Greg Coomer has announced a major new Steam release, currently scheduled for Sept. 16, that attempts to fix many of the problems encountered in the initial launch.
We ran into some pretty serious bandwidth and server limitations after the release last week, which has caused several other problems like long wait times and UI unresponsiveness. The load is starting to die down now and we're getting a more content servers lined up, so these problems are becoming less frequent. As more people begin using the new installers which include the game caches, their experience using Steam will improve greatly. If you're having problems connecting to Steam or launching Counter-Strike, please download the latest version of the installer and give it a try.
You can read the entire announcement here.

My two words about this question:
first of all, even a baby could predict bandwidth nightmares (Gabe itself has told it in the recent interview) just regarding the huge hl-cs community so the first thing to think of was to simulate the software in bottleneck conditions - did they do that? looks like the answer is no! but why? i can recognize that at this moment they are in a hurry cos it is time to cut the finish line but why all this hurry ? we have wait 5 years we could still wait a couple of months...
and another thing: if Gabe had bandwidth concerns, WHY DID HE SNATCH OFF THE BOTS FROM COUNTER STRIKE????? :flame:
So this isnt like a new steam release as such, its just more steam clients with more games in the cache. Thats kind of useless really, i just want the cached games, not the client.

Or is there a difference between client version?
Actually, I agree that some of the bandwidth cruch would have been unexpected. They expected that the converter would work properly, and thus most users would only need to download minor updates to their Half-life and CS installs. But it failed, miserably, and so many many more users had to download those entire cache files all over again.

Plus, they just didn't expect that there were this many people who'd download steam right away. They were expecting to transition into Steam. What they SHOULDN'T have done was release CS 1.6 at the same time they released the new Steam. They should have released the full Steam with CS1.6 disabled, then released CS1.6 a few days later.

The counter-strike bots are for CS:CZ retail, it wouldn't make much sense to give them away, especially since they seem to be the chief selling point for CS:CZ at this point.
mmmm... Apos, i think that you are too kind with Valve guys.
when they deserve good words we have to tell'em but to me this time they deserve a little scold
this is not a light glitch cos they had (at least but i think much more) 5 millions fans going crazy waiting hl2 issue and watching day by day every little move or speech Valve do by the way - so if they want that we use steam to do such great things they told us - (not last buy the game) they have (to me) compromise a lot its success

about bots i can't agree with what you say about - great cs bots exists from at least 2 years outside valve distribution and in heavy load days they should be a great bandwidth preserver! :thumbs:
Back when they first released CS1.6, Valve experienced the huge bandwidth problems with Steam. I thought they would have learned their lesson with that.

And you'd think they learned to give it to alot more distributers, waiting time for Steam DoD version was 450 minutes on fileplanet when I tried... And last time I tried to download the waiting minutes went up instead of down :P