New Steam update tonight

Oct 1, 2003
Reaction score
Just like it says.

It's the fixed version of the recalled one from last week. Buckle up, kids, cause this one might be rough.
Well, it's out. The update went really smooth, and all seemed to be working well. I shut down steam, did some other stuff, then decided to relaunch steam to check on mem usage and such. I got the infamous #steam_roo error, so I deleted ClientRegistry.blob, and that fixed the error. However, steam also marked all my games as uninstalled. Selecting the 'Install' option for the games that I had previously recovered part of the cache files, but it's now downloading a huge chunk of the content again.

On the upside, it was using less memory (only 16 Mb now) and it at least partially recovered, and quite quickly. However, it looks like this update may have problems still, so be warned.

This is the first problem I've had with steam in months. Oh well.

EDIT: From what I've read it does seem to have fixed a lot of issues for people, so I suspect I just got unlucky here...heck it was probably just my turn, since I haven't had problems til now.
My edit time limit has expired so appologies for the additional post. I just wanted to add that now that it's done updating, mem usage is about 9.5 Mb which is a big improvement.