New Team Fortress 2 Interview on IGN


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
IGN had the opportunity to to ask Robin Walker some questions about what to expect in Team Fortress 2's future. In this interview Walker reveals new medigun and how to unlock this weapon. I'm just going to point out the most important highlights in this interview.
  • The unlockable medigun will switches out the 10 second invulnerability effect for 10 seconds of 100% chance of critical hits.
  • You unlock the first Medic unlockable when you complete 12 of the 36 Medic achievements, the second at 24, and the third at 36.
  • Goldrush is coming along with the Medic achievements and unlockable weaponry.
  • The cart in Goldrush moves faster the more Blu players are near it, and contains a handy dispenser to heal and resupply them as they escort it. The Red team wins if they can keep the cart from reaching their base.
  • Goldrush is the first map to use the cinematic physics technology from Half-Life 2: Episode 2 in a multiplayer environment

You can read the full interview on IGN.
I would have thought all the CSS de_ maps would be better candidates for cinematic physics. Might look a bit weird in cartoony TF2.
There's 3 unlocks?! That's awesome :D I thought there was only going to be one!
So we have the overhealer, crit-healer?, what else?
I cannot wait for this update :D!!

<3 Valve (just get the update out soon please ;))
As I said in Steam Chat to Digi...

This is fucking epic!
holy mother ****ing shit. I WANT IT ****ING NOW.


Yes, please, valve release it soon ! PLEEEAAASSE!
That somewhat resolves what I had suggested in the other interview thread.

Its still going to be a pain in the ass if 9 classes have 36 achievements as well just to unlock their guns.
Cinematic physics is just pre-calculated physics, so I'm sure it can look fine in any situation.
I think they will be server side. If im not mistake they are not calculated real time. Like in Episode 2 the buildings explode the same everytime etc. Its a technique used for ultra realistic physics. Wait so if its the same every time then i guess it wont matter if its even client side. I might be very wrong about this.
As an example of these tradeoffs, the unlockable medigun we're play testing right now switches out the 10 second invulnerability effect for 10 seconds of 100% chance of critical hits.

That is such a good idea. God I want this update.
I wonder, what if you use an ordinary Medi-gun and the crit-gun charge at the same time...:D

Sounds great, I like the idea of upgrades for every weapon, meaning you can have a truly unique weapon style but with the original principle.
There's 3 unlocks?! That's awesome :D I thought there was only going to be one!
So we have the overhealer, crit-healer?, what else?
I cannot wait for this update :D!!

<3 Valve (just get the update out soon please ;))

I read in an interview that was put up here earlier that they're ditching the Overhealer. The interview was from late Febuary, so it's most likely not going to end up in the game, which is a disappointment because I was looking foward to having a real buff instead of the decaying buff that's there now. Regardless, all of this sounds awesome. I love the medic weapons they're introducing, but I want to see some ideas for the other classes. I was thinking: Instead of the demoman's sticky gun he gets a mine gun with 4 shots instead of 8. Maybe make them invisible, but able to be destroyed. Or better yet, give them just a small delay, small enough so that a soldier or heavy would get blown to pieces, but long enough so that a scout could run ahead and test the area for mines without taking much damage. This one's a little off the wall, but replace the spreader the scout has with a tear gas canister launcher. He has to load in each shot, and it only holds 8 shots, but it provides cover from sentry guns and makes the screen blurry if an enemy walks through it, but it obviously does no damage. AND THEN: Give the medic a syringe rifle (a single shot rifle) that stops a player from being healed for some amount of time (this includes being ubered, but it can't stop an uber that's already in progress). ALSO? Give the spy some type of emp device in place of the sapper. When you use it every engineer device within a certain distance shuts off and is unable to be repaired for 2 seconds. This would cleary have some type of cooldown (a high one, maybe 10 seconds or something) and would possibly have an ammo count. In losing your ability to make holes in engineer lines yourself you gain the ability to let your entire team storm in and destroy stuff.

Anyway, these are just a few of the hundreds of things I can think of, but I really want to see what they have in mind because I know for a fact it will be awesome.
Yeah, I posted a thread about it a week or two back. But it sounds like it's still in the game now? I dunno, I just want this update :D