New Team Fortress 2 Update Released


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
A new Team Fortress 2 update has been released today, check the change list below:[br]

Linux Dedicated Server
  • Improved connection logic to help servers that aren't automatically reconnecting to Steam

  • Fixed seeing error dialogs if the "-nocrashdialog" command line parameter is present

Team Fortress 2
  • Added an optional per-map particle manifest called _particles.txt, which should be located in the maps directory, so map authors can load custom particle files
  • Fixed minicrits resulting in reduced damage for weapons at close ranges
  • Fixed the Cloak and Dagger not regenerating at the correct rate
  • Fixed setinfo exploit that allowed restricted convars to be set while connected to a server
  • Fixed tournament mode being interrupted if mp_timelimit hits before both stopwatch rounds have been played
  • Fixed "jointeam unassigned" exploit
  • Fixed being able to respawn during the chat time before a level change
  • Fixed "sensitivity" ConVar not capping the upper value which sometimes caused a server crash
  • Prevented some exploits based on mat_dxlevel being changed in-game
  • Updated ripple effects for water drips to improve performance

You will get the update automatically via Steam.
omg they shouldent of changed taht, claok and dagger is soo overpowered now.

So do mini-crits now do more damage at close range?
I'm probably one of the 4 people genuinely excited/happy about this update. Whenever water is shot, the ripple effect/the particles of water that are sent up into the air lag the hell out of my computer for a second of two. I can't tell you how many times I've died because of that.
I generally don't like water maps. dustbowl, gravel pit, and gold rush FTW!
Glad they added more time to the Cloak and Dagger. I found you could barely run round a corner without it becoming empty.