New Team Fortress 2 Videos


Jul 6, 2003
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Someone uploaded these new TF2 videos on Youtube, This six new Team Fortress 2 videos resemble some sort of military spy videos in black and white and show some footage for the six maps and the TF2 characters.

Don't forget the TF2 Beta coming Monday.
Haha, those were quite good. Doesn't really show the maps though.
I'm actually a little disappointed that only one map is going to be CTF...
That should be an option for all of them tbh.
well and 2fort are CTF maps

I like how when the scout captures the flag (documents) it leaves a paper trail when hes running back to base.
I really hope the paper trail will also be in the game, looks awesome :)
well and 2fort are CTF maps

I like how when the scout captures the flag (documents) it leaves a paper trail when hes running back to base.

It was said 2fort is the only ctf map.

Look at the well video, it's clearly point capture
Dustbowl, granery, gravel pit, well are point capture maps.

2fort is CTF

Hydro is territory control

What I did just see while looking through the GCF was under relists, theres a file called cp_badlands!
Did the Demoman just flash me in that Granary vid?

I'm rather disappointed with the flaming ragdoll. The flame effects are excellent by itself, but the ragdoll should really crispify.
Nothing really new... You got these videos with the preload of TF2 (team fortress 2 content.gcf) under tf\media. They are in .bik format.
Nice...I like how the cameraman is killed at the end of the Well video.
Nothing really new... You got these videos with the preload of TF2 (team fortress 2 content.gcf) under tf\media. They are in .bik format.

Well not everyone here has the time or inclination to piss around in the steam directory extracting gcf files, so I guess the posts for them perhaps? :dozey: