New The Darkness media and interivew. CRAZY!

Starbreeze Studios' The Darkness is set to ship for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2007.

Fuck! Guess I don't get to play this one. At least not for a long time.
from the makers of riddick right? looks pretty good.
Wow, that looks great. I'm liking the weapon models and the creepy looks.
Looks good and all but they need to work more on the shadows, also on the muzzle fire. Plus maybe a little extra polish on the lightning.
This looks like a cool game, but the weapons textures could use some work. More gritty-looking.
I thought it was just another shooter but you seem to be able to use monsters and stuff as weapons, awesome :D
^^ Awesome. I really want to see this game in motion! Hopefully it features great hand-to-hand combat just like in Riddick.