New to forums but not to posting



Well im new here, but not to forums. I racked up about 1000 posts on steampowered, but it got annoying.

A question.

How strict are the mods? I left steampowered cause i felt they were lax, allowing the reposting of material over and over. They got the total noobs but not them all. Is this forum is full of 'ATI valve in bed' or 'counter strike source is for noobs', i may loose faith in humanity.

Anyways nice to be here.
Myself aside, our staff is excellent.
yes ennui you are quite the poo poo head...i love this place is way more personal and easy to attach to than any other site I've been to, excepting hetairia (oh noes). Thus my ridiculous post count.
why do you think that i have a more ridiculous post count than ennui (considering when i joined)...i'm tellin you i love this place...
well actually since I joined with the current account and postcount in late 2004, mine IS more ridiculous (16ppd) but i got Zerimski to change my join date to that of my first account.
Well you guys seem alright so thats at least 2.

Click-Click-Boom said:
Well you guys seem alright
Okay then, I like you.

also a bit of a warning: I'd stay the hell away from the Politics section if I was you.
yes...politics is were the bullets fly...and CptStern is one you should watch for, a crazy one Stern is
Ennui said:
also a bit of a warning: I'd stay the hell away from the Politics section if I was you.

One of the reasons for leaving steampowered. They say no politics, yet when it happens it gets insane and the mods just lets the post count rack up.

Very smart move containing it in its own forum. Good place to spam, flame and have my sexaulity questioned.

I'm loving this place.
Admittedly, the politics forum is a bit lawless... only the most insane posts get moderated there because most of us moderators are too scared to go in there
i keep wondering when 13575 is going to post...or is it to late for him
What is the time difference over there? meh
Enjoy the forums, if you like the reading, we have a few very good fan-fics open, and our rumors section only gets Gordon= Teh G-Manonce every three months.
As someone once said (can't remecer who.)
"Welcome to, It's safer here."
Kamikazie said:
i keep wondering when 13575 is going to post...or is it to late for him


Indeed. Welcome to our glorious republic. :D There is only one hetairian tank in Munrograd. No matter what Sulkkdodds says.

Remember Foxtrot.
1) The politics forum is for people lvl 51-60 only.

2) Don't feed the Danimal

3) staff aren't as lax as Steampowered

4) Welcome! :D
Danimal said:
1) The politics forum is for people lvl 51-60 only.

2) Don't feed the Danimal

3) staff aren't as lax as Steampowered

4) Welcome! :D

If 'aren't as lax' means kicking and banning people and oppress them until they get curled up into a litle ball, shaking, it's tr-

I mean, Not true. Of course not.

*looks around warily*
Hello and welcome. has a fantastic lot of people always willing to help, have some fun. Got all your forums to talk in, always people posting, and the mods...well they were humans, now stalkers hell bent on justice. Just the way i like them. Anyway if your looking for something cleaner and more civilised than the steampowered forums, you've come to the right place :)
15357 said:
If 'aren't as lax' means kicking and banning people and oppress them until they get curled up into a litle ball, shaking, it's tr-

I mean, Not true. Of course not.

*looks around warily*
*tackles 15357 and throws him in a shed*

dont mind him, he goes off on these rants all the time...
You guys are lovely. I'm shocked by how big this community is. Its bigger than the steam forums and even Valve prefer it.

Must resist the politics forum. I keep visiting it and try to work up the courage to post.
just start posting to agree with some of the big posters in there (get on their good side) and then go solo...i think that i should try that...
Good advice there (see im starting already).

Whats the policy on swearing?
uh i think that you can say shit, damn, ass, bitch, and bastard. but if you want to say F- you then just use ****

btw, if any of these words are forbidden then just please put *'s on them, thank you modders
Hi, and welcome. I'm Beerdude26, the local Steam machine. If you ever have problems with Steam or HL2 or whatever, visit me at Community Game Support.

Also, don't be shocked when some secret society becomes uncovered and people suddenly dissappear. It's happened before :D

And don't ask about the biozeminades.
Beerdude26 said:
Hi, and welcome. I'm Beerdude26, the local Steam machine. If you ever have problems with Steam or HL2 or whatever, visit me at Community Game Support.

Also, don't be shocked when some secret society becomes uncovered and people suddenly dissappear. It's happened before :D

And don't ask about the biozeminades.


Poor Short Recoil......

15357 said:
Remember what, his trolling?

It's alright here I guess, Click-Click-Boom. Better than steampowered anyway..

EDIT: stop the ''hetairia'' name dropping, ennui... especially now that you're a mod...
hmm, no mention of Munro yet eh?

The modds are alright, just don't say anything bad about them or Numbers (aka 15457) will *Phones NKVD*

But, welcome new guy, if you want to make some pals here, as already said, avoid Politics (i spent my first few days in there, but no more *shudders*) and spend all day in General Off-Topic, enjoy the Soccer vs American Football threads we get every week :p
So much history. Well i'll get it all eventually. All these insider jokes i don't understand.

Another question. Do the forums get purged occasionally, I.E. the deleting of past threads from years back?
Steampowered's seemingly boundless stupidity scared me away.

Some idiot said:
Acronyms [referring to OMG, LOL, u, r, etc.] are not bastardisations of language they are more efficient ways of communication. On the other hand 'whatnot' [this is a reference to my previous post, which used the term] is a bastadisation of language as it actually is logically broken as something can't be a 'what' (implying something) and a 'not' (implying nothing) at the same time.

The people here are significantly less primitive, and most of them even assist me in re-educating newbies with blunt objects when they fail to search for answers to questions that have been asked eighty times. ;)
Click-Click-Boom said:
So much history. Well i'll get it all eventually. All these insider jokes i don't understand.

Another question. Do the forums get purged occasionally, I.E. the deleting of past threads from years back?


And Remember Foxtrot, who died fighting!
Click-Click-Boom said:
So much history. Well i'll get it all eventually. All these insider jokes i don't understand.

Another question. Do the forums get purged occasionally, I.E. the deleting of past threads from years back?
No, but users do (old and super inactive users get deleted).

We've got far too much history and far too many inside jokes. If you've got a major question about any of them, give me a pm and I'll try to explain, but it'd probably be easier for you to just figure them out for yourself :D

Note: stay away from any mention of Biozeminades, including this one.
Also, never ever, under any surcamstances ask to be a mod!

Ennui, can i be a mod please! :naughty:
Evo's right, because doing so completely invalidates you from ever becoming a moderator.

Damn, no mod'ship for me :(

Seeing as that was just a demonstration can you just ignore my breaking of one of the Great Unrwritten Rules? :cool:
Don't stay out of Politics, it's by far the most interesting forum.

Anyway, Welcome. Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations. :D
Ennui said:
No, but users do (old and super inactive users get deleted).

We've got far too much history and far too many inside jokes. If you've got a major question about any of them, give me a pm and I'll try to explain, but it'd probably be easier for you to just figure them out for yourself :D

Note: stay away from any mention of Biozeminades, including this one.
Don't ask Ennui about history. I'm your main man right here. Also, Kamikaze lives near me and I get scared for my life when I go to sleep because I think he stalks me.
Pressure said:
Don't ask Ennui about history. I'm your main man right here. Also, Kamikaze lives near me and I get scared for my life when I go to sleep because I think he stalks me. did you find out? who told you? it was Stern wasnt it, i told him ro keep quiet about that operation...wait, never mind