New to HL2 Mod



Hi , I am new to HL2 modding and would like to know where to start.
I have an Idea for a game and would like to create a HL2 mod of it.

I have a few questions to ask

1) does the sdk use a scriting langauge or does it use C++
2) if it uses c++, can a new exe be compiled with the supplied SDK
3) can I use a 3rd person view instead of the normal 1st person
4) what licencing issues/ restrictions if any are there with a HL2 mod
5) same question but for a non-commercial game


ktg said:
Hi , I am new to HL2 modding and would like to know where to start.
I have an Idea for a game and would like to create a HL2 mod of it.

I have a few questions to ask

1) does the sdk use a scriting langauge or does it use C++
2) if it uses c++, can a new exe be compiled with the supplied SDK
3) can I use a 3rd person view instead of the normal 1st person
4) what licencing issues/ restrictions if any are there with a HL2 mod
5) same question but for a non-commercial game



1) dunno
2) dunno
3) yep
4) if you want to make a commercial game you need to buy a licence, which is many thousands. Otherwise you can't use it to make a commercial game, can't use any IP without permission
5) same as above, can't use other people's IP, or make money directly from it or provide the code to others so they don't have to buy the game to run it. (same for #4)
1. C++
2. No, you can only make a MOD, not a stand alone game and it must run by Steam.
3. Yes
4. As I said, with the SDK you can only make MODs, not full games so the laws that apply are those like IP (you can't make a game based on another game without asking the permission first). If you want to make a stand alone game like Vampire Bloodlines, you must buy the full license of the engine, wich contains alot more than the SDK and costs many thousand dollars.
In response to question 2, people often get the SDK and the source code confused. If you wanted to make your own stand-alone games using source you'd need access to the source code, and I doubt Valve will be making that available any time soon.
thanks guys, I have a better understanding. basically u can only make a variation of HL2 with pemission if u are going to use existing media. can't sell it or make money directly from it unless you get a license in which case u are probably looking to make a full game that may or maynot look and feel like HL2.

if I am correct then where does the C++ come in, it's just that C++ usually means that you get to compile code into an exe or dll.

also how much can you change with regards to gameplay, game rules, characters and story


ktg said:
thanks guys, I have a better understanding. basically u can only make a variation of HL2 with pemission if u are going to use existing media. can't sell it or make money directly from it unless you get a license in which case u are probably looking to make a full game that may or maynot look and feel like HL2.

if I am correct then where does the C++ come in, it's just that C++ usually means that you get to compile code into an exe or dll.

also how much can you change with regards to gameplay, game rules, characters and story


Mods work on the same principles regardless of platform, so I feel justified taking Red Orchestra as an example here. RO is a WWII game designed to realistically "simulate" combat from that period in time. It is a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, meant to realistically simulate combat from some point many many years in the far off fictional future. Not only is RO legit legally, they won a developer-sponsored contest by being so awesome (and completely changing EVERYTHING.)
ktg said:
also how much can you change with regards to gameplay, game rules, characters and story

The Half Life 2 engine is pretty flexible, so you can do quite a lot with it. However, if you wanted to drift away from an FPS game or a 3rd person game that worked very similarly to an FPS game, you'd need to do a good bit of coding work.

Personally, I'd say that if you have a bit of knowledge about code, then just get stuck in now with the scripts (I think you can access them from inside the SDK, but I'm not sure). This wont allow you to change the game drastically, but you can certainly make a start.
There is quite a bit more to C++ than .exe / .dll files. The SDK uses a variety of different C++ files, including headers.
Ti133700N said:
1. C++
4. As I said, with the SDK you can only make MODs, not full games so the laws that apply are those like IP (you can't make a game based on another game without asking the permission first). If you want to make a stand alone game like Vampire Bloodlines, you must buy the full license of the engine, wich contains alot more than the SDK and costs many thousand dollars.
I'm sure you don't know, but how much money do you think, and does anyone ever grant permission?
I'm sure you don't know, but how much money do you think, and does anyone ever grant permission?
Maybe 500K to a Million USD.
They most likly wont grant you permission, onless you create a mod that because super successfull, then Valve hires you then you create your game with the full engine under Valve and when it releases the profits will go to valve.(You will be paid at a set rate of some sort most likly).
Minerel is right so if its too much for you then... sorry. You can still make alot of stuff with the free SDK, there are some total conversions that should be released next year.