New Trojan/Virus on ze loose?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have seemed to have recieved many message from friends saying on AIM "Hey can I post this picture of me and you together on my myspace and facepic?"
The first person who sent me it I did take a pic with together. I was almost dumb enough to click on it but I realized how he talked was weird. He would never ask for permission he would jsut do it =p.

Anyways its a file called "Picture04" and its either in a .zip or .com(command) format. Then Today I just got a IM from a guy who I have never ever met =p. So yea it looks like this is spamming people's AIM.

be on teh lookout.
I almost downloaded the "pictures." But, my friend saved me before I did :).

Hopefully you don't get the virus just by clicking the link...
You'd probably have to open it.
I remember this one time a friend-of-a-friend type person had their account stolen, and before I knew about it the hacker talked to me, and since I didn't know them too well I was none the wiser. So they send me this program that's supposed to improve MSN or something (all you gotta do is input your username and password), and of course I'm stupid enough to download it from them, and run it... and the thing brings up a generic Windows error and crashes out before I can go any further. Buggy ass Windows actually SAVED me from a potentially harmful virus/exploit :P
Bad^Hat said:
I remember this one time a friend-of-a-friend type person had their account stolen, and before I knew about it the hacker talked to me, and since I didn't know them too well I was none the wiser. So they send me this program that's supposed to improve MSN or something (all you gotta do is input your username and password), and of course I'm stupid enough to download it from them, and run it... and the thing brings up a generic Windows error and crashes out before I can go any further. Buggy ass Windows actually SAVED me from a potentially harmful virus/exploit :P

That's because it's a feature
Don't IMs forbid you from opening files that are in any potentially unsafe formats (e.g. exe)?
no they dont. I've been getting alot of random IM's from people claiming to "live near by me" and then giving me a link to a virus. I always block them immediatley of course.
theotherguy said:
no they dont. I've been getting alot of random IM's from people claiming to "live near by me" and then giving me a link to a virus. I always block them immediatley of course.

I never let them add me in the first place.
yeah, i've just started blocking people who aren't on my list because of all the spam ims i've been getting.
yea people that I know with the virus will all IM me under a minute with the same link. it seems teh virus is set a on a 'clock' to senda the message every hour or something.
That's about 2 years old now. It used to happen all the time, but I haven't seen it in a while. Just be cautious about what you click, most of them, as you said, are pretty obvious.