New type of cooking oil

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Jul 26, 2007
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Has anybody ever tried cooking with their own semen?

About a month ago I got adventurous and decided to fap into the frying pan, using my semen in place of little extra butter I usually put in the pan when I'm grilling grill'd cheese.

I didn't notice much difference in flavour when I tried it, although it definitely didn't taste any worse.

Last night, however, while in the process leading up to grilling two sandwiches for lunch for myself and my sick mother, I noticed my neighbour's 13 year old daughter changing in the yard next door (our window sort of faces out into the neighbour's yard, the suburban layout of our community is somewhat strange), presumably after getting out of the pool. I got the urge to fap and decided to encorporate it into my cooking again in secret.

My mother did seem to notice a difference in flavour for the better - I nonchalantly told her I used a different butter, which in it's essence wasn't entirely a lie, I just didn't specify it was my nut butter. I'm not about to outright lie to my mother.

I consider myself a respectable man of principles, you know.
Yes... thank you for sharing this with us....

:| :x
If this was a more regular forum goer, it would've been funny. Now it's just wierd and scary.


Regarding the OB post, what's your point? Nevermind, I've never sucked bacon-flavored cock before--the post itself was made in jest. I have no bacon salt nor will I be buying any. If you wanna know something I have done regarding blowjobs with flavors, Pixi Stix seems to work decently well. There's also no stinging. Salt on any body part with sensitive orifices is just stupid, anyway. But I digress.

I comment on these posts because I feel like it and because I can. What a bunch of random strangers have to say about me doesn't bother me.
Sulkdodds wins for not closing/deleting the thread.
Funny, the first thing I thought when I finished reading the thread title was "cum."

Oh the irony!
That's not irony. No one here is going to be fooled by you calling it irony.

Well... that's a great way to treat your ill mother :laugh:

I noticed my neighbour's 13 year old daughter changing in the yard next door (our window sort of faces out into the neighbour's yard, the suburban layout of our community is somewhat strange), presumably after getting out of the pool. I got the urge to fap and decided to encorporate it into my cooking again in secret.

Wait, WTF? I though you were gay.

Godron is not comfortable about posting in this thread.
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