New Valve IP "SOB" Found in Dota 2 Leak

Hectic Glenn

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Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
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As people continue to sift through the gigabyte or so of data leaked, more interesting things are being found. Under a directory game/client alongside other folders such as cstrike and ep3, is 'sob' with the filenames indicating a potential new IP. Perhaps a space shooter of sorts?[br]
[br]What do you think it could be and what could SOB stand for? Here is a pastebin of files provided by HL2.netter, Barnz.
Sons of Bayleef.

Anyone remember the sci-fi concept art that was on a wall in Valve that got uploaded from a tour a while ago? There was a spaceship and some humanoid characters in futuristic armor. Could be related.
Does seem an awful lot like some kind of space based shooter. I pray that it's a 6 degrees of freedom title (like Descent)... but that's too awesome to even hope for.

Anyway, seems like a lot of code relating to player and NPC ships and ship movement, as well as nebula, particle effects, and stuff...

Not a clue what SOB might stand for.

edit: Cyber$nake, you're right. I had forgotten about that... does anybody have it easily accessible on their hard drives somewhere so we can take a second look?
what was that game that had a western theme in space? it was crazy and wild and I can't remember it, also had dinosaurs and it was a game like mod but Valve didn't produce it
If they are making a completely new game, this is what im really waiting for. Yes, I do want my Half Life 3. But we really didn't need another CS game, Portal 2 was great though, Dota 2 I do not consider new from Valve since it is a sequel. But Valve hasn't made a completely new game franchise since Left 4 dead.
That's it! I'm willing to bet those concept art pieces are related to this new IP...
what was that game that had a western theme in space? it was crazy and wild and I can't remember it, also had dinosaurs and it was a game like mod but Valve didn't produce it
Gunman Chronicles? It was a HL1 engine game. I only played the demo from some PC Gamer disc back in the early 2000s, but it was pretty cool.
Does seem an awful lot like some kind of space based shooter. I pray that it's a 6 degrees of freedom title (like Descent)... but that's too awesome to even hope for.

Anyway, seems like a lot of code relating to player and NPC ships and ship movement, as well as nebula, particle effects, and stuff...

Not a clue what SOB might stand for.

edit: Cyber$nake, you're right. I had forgotten about that... does anybody have it easily accessible on their hard drives somewhere so we can take a second look?

I'm imagining Valve making a Freespace style game with that amazing artwork that was just posted. It would be codenamed "SOB" because the PC gaming community would sob with joy when it is announced.

That would be the single greatest thing to ever happen to video games.
sob meaning

Given that the other files have "func" as the second part of the filename, I'm thinking it might be a programming term, like "static object" or something.
As people continue to sift through the gigabyte or so of data leaked, more interesting things are being found. Under a directory game/client alongside other folders such as cstrike and ep3, is 'sob' with the filenames indicating a potential new IP. Perhaps a space shooter of sorts?[br]
[br]What do you think it could be and what could SOB stand for? Here is a pastebin of files provided by HL2.netter, Barnz.
Looking at the file names, nothing in there necessarily implies "outer space" to me except "nebula". Remember ep3 is expected to have a (ocean going) ship, and a helicopter ride (maybe explains "flightplan"). I'm sure ep3 could have a "nebula" in it without putting you in a spaceship. Remember hl1 had you teleport to Xen. Of course, I may be biased by my hope that ep3 comes out soon.
I'm curious as to why game developers leave this kind of code lying around in completely separate games. Is everyone just too lazy to remove old, maybe useless code from unrelated content/games? Or were Valve planning to troll everyone when they released the Dota 2 Beta...
I'm curious as to why game developers leave this kind of code lying around in completely separate games. Is everyone just too lazy to remove old, maybe useless code from unrelated content/games? Or were Valve planning to troll everyone when they released the Dota 2 Beta...
Pretty much.
I'm curious as to why game developers leave this kind of code lying around in completely separate games. Is everyone just too lazy to remove old, maybe useless code from unrelated content/games? Or were Valve planning to troll everyone when they released the Dota 2 Beta...

In this case, the latter is most likely. However, a lot of times, while in development, developers just copy/paste relevant assets that they already made into their new games. No sense in re-doing things you already finished for a previous game they were working on.
I'm curious as to why game developers leave this kind of code lying around in completely separate games. Is everyone just too lazy to remove old, maybe useless code from unrelated content/games? Or were Valve planning to troll everyone when they released the Dota 2 Beta...

I suspect that its due to the their Source Engine svn repository having been branched (for different games) and merged (to consolidate engine enhancements in the branches) too many times and artifacts from different games get unintentionally left behind.
I'm curious as to why game developers leave this kind of code lying around in completely separate games. Is everyone just too lazy to remove old, maybe useless code from unrelated content/games? Or were Valve planning to troll everyone when they released the Dota 2 Beta...
There are a lot of complex dependencies and things like that you have to consider. Maybe they implemented a few engine features specifically for this "SOB" game that they later adapted for use in Dota 2, and these are just remnants of the files they brought over to the Dota project in order to implement the same features without doing extra work. Or maybe somebody just forgot to remove them... like Zofrex said, cruft tends to accumulate in these situations just given how immense the volume and number of files and data it takes to make a full game. Think of how much cut content or references to cut content you can find in the HL2 code base and GCFs for example.
You can actually download the client on the torrent networks.

I have been following this on the flamehaus and basically it's crazy. Icefrog specifically wanted to invite the top teams from Brazil and Portugal to play. Most players from these regions I have seen are nice people however bitch a lot about the games they pirate and generally, don't buy games. I'm surprised it was a Vietnamese player though anyways besides that it's the whole NDA thing. A lot of the community already in the beta from what I have read are not playing the game to take out the bugs or balance issues. They are playing it because it's DOTA 2 and will bitch about how much it sucks while at the same time not giving back any sort of critical or useful data. *Apparently the client needs a crack or else all you have is a functional menu.
A lot of the community already in the beta from what I have read are not playing the game to take out the bugs or balance issues. They are playing it because it's DOTA 2 and will bitch about how much it sucks while at the same time not giving back any sort of critical or useful data.

As long as a good number of them are switching it on and playing it, they are serving their purpose. The number of people who give useful written feedback during any kind of large Beta testing is pretty small. The rest are just meat for the grinder.

New valve logo is creeptastic btw!
i thought it would be impossible to make the valve logo anymore eerie, but they've just gone and done it. love it.
I remember reading somewhere that they basically took random people off the street for the two valve logos that they created back in 1998.... I guess they remade it??
i thought it would be impossible to make the valve logo anymore eerie, but they've just gone and done it. love it.

They want to make a horror game whereby that dude is the main antagonist. He's a trucker named Bubba and he's out to make you squeel :smoking: