new video card



I have a Athlon 2400,
512MB DDR333
20 GB HD
Geforce 3ti200 64mb

i want to get a new video card. i can spend 200 or below. please advise me on which one to get.

1) radeon 9600xt with HL2 coupon
2) radeon 9800 Pro 128mb Sapphire
3) Radeon 9600 pro for around $100

i would say the 9800 but your entire system needs a tune up. either 9600
His system should handle HL2 and similar games except the gfx card is his limiting factor.
brink's said:
I would recommend the 9800 pro.

Same. The 9800 Pro is easily the best price:performance midrange card available at the moment, at least imo.
NYHoustonman said:
Same. The 9800 Pro is easily the best price:performance midrange card available at the moment, at least imo.
Considering that the X800/6800 cards arn't out yet the 9800 pro is still a top of the line card