New website uploaded

Nice, very nice.

theres some cool stuff on there

The images are blurry even with a high resolution. The shapes are not very effective and some seem random and out of place. I can kinda see what design you are going for though. Also the contrast of colours makes the text hard to see.
I don't like sites that open in popups, sorry.
Don’t use popup’s ... if you want to open your portfolio to allot of people you want to be sure your website runs on most (more then 80%) pc's, Mac’s, OS, and browsers.
So don't use popup’s because it is something that doesn’t run on all browsers.

Another tip, only publish your best work on a portfolio. You will always be judged by your worse piece because the company's that look trough your portfolio will be afraid they will get something like that when they hire you. Only publish your best and strongest work, if that means you can only show 10 pieces then that will be no problem at all (in most cases). A lot of company’s understand that you can’t have 30 strong pieces of work if you are a beginner.
MaxiKana said:
I don't like sites that open in popups, sorry.

i like your splash page alot. :) try to incorperate the darker colors of your splash page into your website to make it match more. looks good tho :naughty:
Overall its a nice site... i liked the padlock graphic....
Heh right. Nothing's officially done yet. The stuff in the portfolio are meant to fill up the empty spaces for the time being. I'm just looking through at some of the comments so I can further improve it. Thanks again.
Okay, I updated it again, this time, no pop ups. I don't know if it looks strange or what. But my instinct tells me something has to be changed.

Any suggestions?
(Go easy, I appreciate constructive criticisms, but I'm just a 13 yr old kid, eh?)