New Zealand internet ROCKS!


The Freeman
May 13, 2003
Reaction score
Someone remind me why I pay $70 a month so I can spend 20 minutes downloading a 5mb file on a "max speed" line?

****ing Telecom...
Well, move to Korea, where 100mbps LP fiber optic is just $22.99 a month!..... hehehe... sorry. :p
Meh. It's not just Korea, EVERYWHERE has it up on us. We're in a sorry state over here, and it's still as expensive as ever.

On top of that, there isn't a providor out there who'll give you unlimited bandwidth without a page full of conditions (they call it a "fair use" policy, which basically means it's unlimited except for the fact that they limit it). If you want a 30gb cap or bigger, you have to fork out $100+. It's bullshit, and we aren't even getting what we pay for...

I saw something on the news a few months ago, when all the providors changed their plans from sorting them by speed, to making most of them "max speed down/up". Which seems great, until you discover it's actually gotten SLOWER since then. WTF!

Anyway, rant over. *goes back to playing WoW with 800ms on his leet pipe*
I'm with a company called Dodo, an extinct flightless bird (The Dodo, durr.) is their mascot and their slogan? "Internet that flies."

Their internet keeps dropping and I get 10k+ pings in games.

God, I hate Dodo.
Well, move to Korea, where 100mbps LP fiber optic is just $22.99 a month!..... hehehe... sorry. :p

Can Korea move to England :D

I'm with a company called Dodo, an extinct flightless bird (The Dodo, durr.) is their mascot and their slogan? "Internet that flies."

c'mon, anybody that names their company after an extinct, flightless bird is asking for trouble. Seriously they should of put quotation marks before and after "flies"
c'mon, anybody that names their company after an extinct, flightless bird is asking for trouble. Seriously they should of put quotation marks before and after "flies"

It wasn't my choice. :(


It's a good thing Dodos are dead, otherwise I'd beat every single one to a pulp, thanks to this ****.
in singapore, we get 100mbps speeds at 30(converted to us) dollars a month
I'm with a company called Dodo, an extinct flightless bird (The Dodo, durr.) is their mascot and their slogan? "Internet that flies."

Their internet keeps dropping and I get 10k+ pings in games.

God, I hate Dodo.

Serves you right for signing up with an ISP that has hookers in it's ads.
With download speeds going above 15 MB/sec?

Besides we do have that vdsl 100mbps for 9 usd a month. :p

And its free for the first 5 months!

I pay 2 bucks a months for my 100/100mbit connection (fiber) (or 25$ a year).

Also, according to my calculations you can only reach 12.5MB/s with a 100mbit line.