New Zelda Information (GameCube)


Jul 9, 2003
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Though I can't post it here, they released a Spanish EGM magazine article with lots of new Zelda images. You can get the scans on GameFaqs but I can not post them here. Anyways heres a summary of the article:

Apparently, one of the editors of this magazine went to Japan and actually got to play the game. There were three different demos, which should be shown at this year's E3.

As you can see, the scans show both old and new screens. Most notable are the new screens showing Link outside of his usual green tunic. His appearance (face, body) in those screens seems to be a bit different as well. Why this is, we're not sure.

Thanks to Gessle of the Gaming Age forums and Xander of the IGN boards, who translated the scans, we can bring you some new details regarding the game.

-At the game's start, Link is 16 years old. As time goes on, Link will grow older in the game.

-The village shots you see where Link is dressed differently are from the game's first village, called Toaru Village. It's kind of like how Kokiri Forest was the initial starting village in Ocarina of Time.

-The pictures that we've seen of Link fighting enemies while on his horse have been shown for a reason - horse combat plays a big role in the new Zelda.

-The game's controls are similar to OoT and Wind Waker - Z-targeting is back, using the L trigger on the GameCube. Jumping will once again be automatic.

-The game is reportedly 2 to 3 times bigger/longer than Ocarina of Time! According to the magazine, up to 70 hours of gameplay is possible.

-According to Eiji Aonuma, "Making the water trasparent in this new Zelda as opossed to Wind Waker will allow us to give a realistic and more beautiful feel to the game and also open the game to a new subaquactic world."

-Aonuma also said that went for a more Shonen Manga style as opposed to a Square Enix CG-type look.

-And last but not least, cuccos are back. :-p

Details from the three demos the article's writer played:

Demo #1: Toaru Village will indeed be the first area in the game. You'll start off going through some tutorial-like activities, which will help players new to Zelda but should still be fun to Zelda veterans.

Demo #2: This takes place in a ranch. The writer was on a horse and had to guide all the cows into a stall within a certain time limit - supposedly lots of fun.

Demo #3: According to the article writer, this is the most impressive demo. While on horseback, Link had to fight an armored enemy who was on an armored boar, along with his minions, on a huge battlefield. He had a sword and a bow to do this with, though the bow now seems to have a limited range. This is when he asked Aonuma about the game's size, with Aonuma replying that the game would be 2 to 3 times bigger than Ocarina of Time and that they're trying to make it last up to 70 hours.

Also in this demo is a battle that takes place on a bridge in which Link has to take part in a sort of joust (with a sword, not a spear) while on his horse.

As for Zelda on the DS, the only one known about right now will basically be Four Swords with some touch screen control. Aonuma did say, however, that though the interaction between character would be similar to Four Swords Adventures on GameCube, the concept would be different. What he means by that isn't clear. Zelda DS will feature wireless play, and may feature online play, but the translation isn't clear.

We'll be sure to update if any more of the article gets translated. We should hear more on both of these games at this year's E3 in May.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy. Man am I excited. :bounce:
Yay, I will finally be able to purchase a GC game for the first time in a year when this comes out.
check out the article on IGN. Apparently you aren't the only one that found that Spanish article.
Sounds excellent :)

Looking forward to Zelda on the DS a great deal too.

StardogChampion said:
Yay, I will finally be able to purchase a GC game for the first time in a year when this comes out.

Did you not buy Resident Evil 4??? Madman :)
Wheeeeeey. Can't wait. Going to go find those pictures now. Ah, finally, something to play on my Gamecube after a good year of not playing anything bar Wind Waker.
Unnggghhhh. I so need this game! SO. NEED. IT. I can't wait.
TheBleeding said:
Wheeeeeey. Can't wait. Going to go find those pictures now. Ah, finally, something to play on my Gamecube after a good year of not playing anything bar Wind Waker.

Should get RE4. I know, Warbie said the same thing, but it kicks so much ass I thought I'd reiterate it.
My God, this game has got my expectations so high, hell, if its just OoT with a makeover I'll still be amazed. I must have this game when it comes out. MUST.
zelda is the only reason i havent sold my gamecube
Those scans look absouloutly BRILLIANT. Wow.

SimonomiS said:
Should get RE4. I know, Warbie said the same thing, but it kicks so much ass I thought I'd reiterate it.

Its on my list of 'games to play' so I may get it. I need to actually take my Gamecube in for a repair at the moment. It keeps crashing games or not reading the discs. :\
A guy on IGN said this is some of the information in the US version of EGM:

-No voice acting
-No GBA connectivity
-You can fish or "angle" I should say
-Art of Zelda shows here weilding a sword
-Yes link is rescuing Zelda & Ganon is in the story
-No official title has been decided yet
-Combat will be different from Windwaker
-Chicken Gliding is back
-In the beginning of the game link is a "cowboy" there is also a minigame to each you how to ride
-Tauro village impressions, great sense of realism, grand in scale
-Horseback battles will be pleltiful

I hope it's true.
SearanoX said:
That's happened to mine before, but it's never a permanent problem. If it keeps up for more than a week then I suggest checking out a repair shop (though it will probably be cheaper to buy a new one, and you may get a free game with it too). In my experience, though, the problems dealing with disk reading always disappear within a few days, if not hours, for reasons I don't know.

So yeah, just wait a bit before spending money on something you may not have to. Resident Evil 4's worth it. :)

This has been happening for a good while now, since like, last year. :| My sister has a Gamecube, mind. So I just play games on that, although I would like my Gamecube working fine again. I'll give it a try later, I've been meaning to play Rogue Squadren again y'see.
Yeah, a new Gamecube shouldn't be too much now. I'll keep that in mind, but I'll see what the people down at some local game stores/PC stores can do. God I miss playing it.