Newb Questions about upgrading my PC


Dec 7, 2004
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Hey guys, I'm a newb with computers (among other things) and I just have a few questions about upgrading my computer.

1.) Generally speaking, it's more intelligent to upgrade my processor than my video card right? I have a GeForce FX 5200 and while I know that's not a very good card at all, my processor is running at 1.53 GHz and I know that's pretty bad as well.

2.) If I do go with a processor, I'm wanting to buy an AMD Athlon 3000+ XP (2.17 GHz) to replace my AMD Athlon 2000+ XP (1.53 GHz). Is this worth the $160 that it'll cost me on

3.) I'm also wanting to buy an extra 256 or maybe even 512 MB of RAM. I currently have 512. Is the upgrade to 768 worth $30 or should I go with an upgrade to 1 gig for $60? I kinda want to save some cash if possible.

4.) Do brand names on RAM mean anything? I know what kind I need, have already made sure it'll fit (I have one open slot). If brands do matter, how is WINTEC AMPO (they seem to be the cheapest, at least on newegg)? No idea ... :D

5.) I love anyone who answers these questions.

The games I'm playing are Half Life 2 (the main reason I'm upgrading all this stuff), Warcraft III, Call of Duty: United Offensive and Doom 3.

PS - Here are links to the stuff I'm considering buying. Thanks again!
Thanks for your response, I might as well switch it up to those Rosewill's if they're reccomended... an extra four or five bucks is no problem
EpicZeRo said:
Hey guys, I'm a newb with computers (among other things) and I just have a few questions about upgrading my computer.

1.) Generally speaking, it's more intelligent to upgrade my processor than my video card right? I have a GeForce FX 5200 and while I know that's not a very good card at all, my processor is running at 1.53 GHz and I know that's pretty bad as well.

2.) If I do go with a processor, I'm wanting to buy an AMD Athlon 3000+ XP (2.17 GHz) to replace my AMD Athlon 2000+ XP (1.53 GHz). Is this worth the $160 that it'll cost me on

3.) I'm also wanting to buy an extra 256 or maybe even 512 MB of RAM. I currently have 512. Is the upgrade to 768 worth $30 or should I go with an upgrade to 1 gig for $60? I kinda want to save some cash if possible.

4.) Do brand names on RAM mean anything? I know what kind I need, have already made sure it'll fit (I have one open slot). If brands do matter, how is WINTEC AMPO (they seem to be the cheapest, at least on newegg)? No idea ... :D

5.) I love anyone who answers these questions.

The games I'm playing are Half Life 2 (the main reason I'm upgrading all this stuff), Warcraft III, Call of Duty: United Offensive and Doom 3.

PS - Here are links to the stuff I'm considering buying. Thanks again!

It's not worth spending $160 for for an Athlon XP 3000+, in fact I'm guessing your motherboard is a little old and won't support an Athlon XP 3000+, in which case you'd need a new one which would bring you to $200. You can get an Athlon 64 2800+ with a decent Chaintech motherboard for only $176. See XP 3000+ and 3200+'s aren't nearly as good as an Athlon 64, even though they're both more expensive, kind of like how the 9800XT costs more than a 6800 but isn't nearly as fast. Anyway, you should definitely get this:

or this one:

Both same CPU but different mobo, I'm not sure which is better the FIC one has 5 PCI slots and 3 RAM slots which is nice but I'd guess Chaintech would be better because it's a better brand, anybody know because I might get one.
Hi bosox, thanks for the in depth response. I have a socket A motherboard and when I searched on newegg I specified that motherboard. The 3000+ XP came up under those criteria so I figure it'll work just fine.

As far as the rest of your post goes, I really appreciate the suggestion about the Athlon 64 2800+, that sounds like a good deal indeed. For clarification, say I purchased the 'Chaintech SK8T800 Socket 754 DDR MB with Athlon64 2800+ CPU & Fan" from your first link. That means I'd get a new motherboard and a new processor (that's better than a 3000+ XP) all for $176? That certainly sounds like a better deal, and as you mentioned, the 64s are better than the XPs.

I really appreciate your (and other posters) help, I'll be looking into this a bit more in the next few days. :)
Yep, you get the motherboard, cpu, as well as the heatsink and fan for the cpu, all for $176. Very nice deal indeed.
I'd agree - good excuse to upgrade!

Check you old RAM will work or that you know how much you'll need to spend on new RAM. I think the A64's need pairs of ECC DDR dimms? Certainly the earlier ones did.
Wasn't it only the Socket 940 64 FX's that needed registered RAM?