Newbie Bashing

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Aug 11, 2005
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Ok, i would like to state that people here have good advice, but when someone asks for help with something and you just laugh at them for not being experienced enough to do it htem selves is a little much. There are reasons why we ask for help. I have already had one guy from here come to my site and complain about us using paint and a phpbb forum. Not everyone can just throw money away on expensive programmes and domians for sites.

Just becuase someone has trouble with what you are so fluent at doing doesnt mean you should turn and discourage them to continue.
Lol, n00b.


Who actually did the bashing?
stfu nublet... god damn newbs. :)

pm comradebadger.
i got gravitygod in my forum praising his mod and downtalking ours. He kinda fled because we fought back. I mean this is our first mod and he felt so threatened he needed to spam our forum with crap about how are game needed so many improvemants and his mod was the greatest ever.
LOL @ nublet - that's a funny word. I've got the noobs' back, for this very reason. It's immature and rude to give someone static because they are a rookie. If you're kidding around, it's all good, but I don't get that. I see serious disdain for newbies everywhere.
thank you, i respect you becuase of what you said.

Anywhays, think of it this way. You just joined a game for Halo 2 and everyone sees your level and instantly starts cursing at you and saying you suck and you get booted from the party. That is what it feels like when people start to make fun because you are a noob. But werent all of us noobs at one point? And if you are, would you liked to get only gauked at instead of the help you needed.
En1gma said:
thank you, i respect you becuase of what you said.

Anywhays, think of it this way. You just joined a game for Halo 2 and everyone sees your level and instantly starts cursing at you and saying you suck and you get booted from the party. That is what it feels like when people start to make fun because you are a noob. But werent all of us noobs at one point? And if you are, would you liked to get only gauked at instead of the help you needed.

I had it both ways, I joined a game server when I had a n00bish ranking/level and a really high one. Both made me get booted.
Here is a good example

" a studio won't be interested. At best, you'll get a nice letter saying that they don't take game submissions. Because they don't. At any given point, a game studio is working on their main game (or two, depending on size), while thinking about the expansion pack/sequel. Also, you'll find that programmers and artists work on their own little ideas/concepts.
At no point are people sat round wondering what game they can do next. Unless your game proposal is so new. so exciting, so earth-shatteringly fantastic that they are unable to resist it (in which case they'd probably just steal the idea. Seriously), then they'll stick by their "no external game submissions" policy. And frankly, your game idea isn't that."

I will not give out anymore names of these people
thats not newbie bashing... thats just general forum chatter...

Get used to it mate, not very many people are polite on the 'net
yeah right, that is the second time he said that

and at my forum, i got a guy laughing at us because we drew something using paint, and because our forum was phpbb hosted. He posted pictures of his own mod all over site. Then i got people downtaikling me because i accidently had one "teh" in the text by accident.
hear are the posts made by gravity god in our forum. I dealeated the really bad ones because i didnt want visitors to see them.

Read from the bottom up
ok.. so your forum has a troll on it... how hard is it to ban the person?? why are you posting here about it??
because he came from this forum, and no icant ban him, i am not an admin. And if you can read he ran away. I just wanted to state what i got from this site within the first few weeks of being on here. I am not being bashed anymore, but this is where you post site feedback right, well that is my experience with being a new member on this site. I dont know, i could be the only one with this stuff happening, but it did happen and i am telling th site about it, which is better than letting it happen again.
looks like you just need to grow a thicker skin. not everyone is going to say things you like to hear, its as true online as it is in the real world. learn to deal with it and you will save yourself a lot of grief in the future.
people are a bit hard on the noobs here, way too much so sometimes.
Then i got people downtaikling me because i accidently had one "teh" in the text by accident.

Edits? :p

I don't mind noobs. As long as they're not stupid. In fact that's what people usually get pissed off at: not just new people as such, but stupid people who refuse to talk in proper English.
Only if they show signs of intelligence.
En1gma said:
Here is a good example

" a studio won't be interested. At best, you'll get a nice letter saying that they don't take game submissions. Because they don't. At any given point, a game studio is working on their main game (or two, depending on size), while thinking about the expansion pack/sequel. Also, you'll find that programmers and artists work on their own little ideas/concepts.
At no point are people sat round wondering what game they can do next. Unless your game proposal is so new. so exciting, so earth-shatteringly fantastic that they are unable to resist it (in which case they'd probably just steal the idea. Seriously), then they'll stick by their "no external game submissions" policy. And frankly, your game idea isn't that."

I will not give out anymore names of these people

But Pi's actually right, because Pi, until recently, worked in game development. He knows his stuff. Make a mod for the fun of making it, not to try and sell it.

And this GravityGod guy. I've never heard of him. He's a newbie too, I'd guess. Point him/his mod out to me, so I can slate him too.

-Angry Lawyer
After looking at Gravityguy's posts, En1gma, I can safely say that nothing he posted is his work of his team's work. He's plagurizing an artist with those "Concept Art" shots. Tell your forum lead to ban his IP.

-Angry Lawyer
Aha, only a noobie would complain about noobie bashing. I say we punch him in the face.
no he would only complain more about it...beat him senseless untill he cant complain anymore
Just give me admin on your site, I'll flame him to death and then ban him.

Then I will wipe out the forum and use the webspace to host pictures of my cat.

*Copyright where due*
I've been playing c-s for quite awhile now but i'm still trying to figure out how to defuse the bomb :(
dont start that crap again...was he making fun of your country?
Kamikazie said:
no he would only complain more about it...beat him senseless untill he cant complain anymore

hahaha, very funny
Just a question, how the hell do you expect to make a mod using paint?

And if you don't have the money to buy photoshop, a domain name, or webspace, then how are you going to get the money to buy 3DSMAX (in the range of $1,000 plus) and a C++/insert language here compiler?

EDIT: And Thorval, on, you yourself are a noob. So stfu pls.
sinkoman said:
then how are you going to get the money to buy 3DSMAX (in the range of $1,000 plus)

Where have you seen 3dsmax in the range of $1000? Link please? :cheers:

Oh, and don't use Halo 2 scenarios to explain what it feels like being a noob, if you were playing Halo 2 you already damn well know you're a noob.

Oh, and I hate noobs, ban this kid.

Like stated before, PM comradebadger. He will surely care... haha

rofl Dreadlord. You are devilishly hilarious :D

sinkoman said:
And Thorval, on, you yourself are a noob. So stfu pls.
No he isn't... He joined months before you :|
What just happened to this thread?
sinkoman said:
Just a question, how the hell do you expect to make a mod using paint?

And if you don't have the money to buy photoshop, a domain name, or webspace, then how are you going to get the money to buy 3DSMAX (in the range of $1,000 plus) and a C++/insert language here compiler?

EDIT: And Thorval, on, you yourself are a noob. So stfu pls.

Ok, i just got a domain, and we are getting XSI. Paint is just something we can use to make basic things to post, it is not like it is bad to use paint. It is there for a reason.
En1gma said:
It turned into what the name said obviously

a thread complaining about newbie bashing turns into a newbie bashing thread.....:|
xLostx said:
I've been playing c-s for quite awhile now but i'm still trying to figure out how to defuse the bomb :(
It will defuse itself from time to time.

Just make sure that if a teammate gets close en touches it, that you kill him! :rolling:
Just because someone is new doesn't mean their a noob... oh wait yes it does.
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