newbie on the block



beeing a new member and all, i would like to start of in a friendly way by giving all of you guys a formel: Hi, how ya doing?

I´m from Belgium and just like everybody else I´m waiting my ass off for HL2 to fall in my lap, so I can start getting competely addicted to what is to be the best game ever...

I hope my stay here will be most pleasing, but from what I´ve heard from one of my friends, I don´t think that will be a problem....

catch you guys/girls later,
Neurotically yours DaMadMan
Hallo und Willkommen!

ANyway, the rest of us are waiting for hl2 as well so join the club......
Calhoun and I aren't waiting for HL2!!
SixThree said:
Calhoun and I aren't waiting for HL2!!
Shhh, they will find out where we live and burn us to the ground!

And sixthree i got a reveiw of it in Electronic gaming monthly mag, it got a silver rating for the console versions (8.0, 8.0, and 9.0 ratings)

PC should be even better.
BAAAAAAH, I know you :p

As you can see we both have Da's in front of our name which already hints at a connection between us. This dude is my best friend and he just got internet today! So lets all give him a round of applause for becoming a part of our awesome community :)

Welcome to the real world :p
You just got access to the internet today??!?!?!

Whoa. :O

Welcome to the forums. :D
Woohoo. Another one on the forums. They just keep coming :) Welcome friend. Enjoy your stay!
Wellll howdy dar da Mad Maan!

~~~Enjoy your stay!~~~​