Newegg price gouging woes..


Chuck Steak
May 18, 2004
Reaction score
Check out the first two results of a newegg search for "core 2 duo":

Now, I have been a happy Newegg customer for quite a few years, but this is just rediculous. I may have to find my E6600 elsewhere..

This has also been brought to Newegg's attention by a lot of their customers, and Newegg claims it is a mistake. These processors have been listed for more than 8 hours, but if it really was a mistake I'd expect it to be fixed by now. Hmm...
eh those prices look fine to me.....i mean its dual core and i didnt even know that there were dual core for socket 478.
It's understandable that prices go up when a new product comes out or demand is high etc. A lot of online sites do this especially with graphic cards. Over time prices drop to below MSRP again. I noticed the X2 CPUs were dropped to the low price at first but before a week went by the price went up a bit (maybe $50) on a few sites because of demand.

A lot of people on other forums planned to wait a few months before getting a Conroe (this was before they were launched) because they thought that prices might be inflated for a few reasons obviously.

Sue them if it's wrong to make money. =p

FYI I bought my CPU from Mwave since they had it cheaper than newegg. But my board and other stuff that was the similar pricing came from newegg. Never had a problem RMAing with Newegg like other sites.
Yeah, zipzoomfly has 6600's for $340, pretty much the lowest anywhere, but currently they're out of stock. I'll wait until the nforce 590 board comes out.
Supply and demand my friend. If people really want something, their going to charge as much as they can for it within reason.
Supply and demand my friend. If people really want something, their going to charge as much as they can for it within reason.

Well, they can do as they wish with pricing, but why tell it off as an error?