Newell about CS:S network traffic




I measured the bandwidth demands for GoldSrc & Source with 16 bots on de_dust. This should be realistic since bots generate the same network traffic as human players do. I used a network monitor to get the exact traffic data for a process. Unfortunatly the tool doesn't include the UDP header size, so I had to add 0.55 kB/sec to all results. The resulting bandwidth per client is:

GoldSrc : 2.72 kB/sec
Source : 2.85 kB/sec

This is pretty good since we added quite a few physics entities in de_dust. I made an extra testrun where I disabled physics in Source and got 2.48 kB/sec.

It's tried to measure spikes somehow and compared packet size distribution. Source engine packets are a little bit bigger, but large packets are rare (about 7% for packets > 256 bytes).

setup: 2 hosts, measured 10 minutes per configuration
network settings: rate 10000; cl_updaterate 20; cl_cmdrate 30
GoldSrc: CS:CZ, de_dust_cz
Source: CS:S, de_dust

total in bytes total out bytes avg in kB/Sec
GoldSrc testrun 1 : 1,357,534 443,948 2.21
GoldSrc testrun 2 : 1,306,061 412,817 2.13

Source testrun 1 : 1,498,837 436,307 2.44
Source testrun 2 : 1,323,526 429,419 2.15

Source no physics : 1,184,831 430,957 1.93

(all values without UDP header)

Packet sizes distribution in bytes:

GoldSrc Source
< 64 1.6% 1.7%
64 - 127 61.2% 56.1%
128 - 255 32.7% 35.0%
256 - 511 4.3% 6.9%
511 - 1023 0.1% 0.2%
> 1024 0.1% 0.1%
In other words, the netcode itself is smoother than the HL1 netcode, but the physics stuff brings it up level with the current CS netcode, which is good.