Newell Confirms Left 4 Dead Demo


Jul 6, 2003
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Gabe Newell confirmed to that Valve, have confirmed plans for an Xbox 360 and PC demo for Left 4 Dead, although he couldn't confirm a release date for the demo.

We will be releasing demos for both the Xbox and for the PC. I don't know what the date is for release on that, though. I think it's going to contain the first part of one of the campaigns. I think it'll probably be Hospital but I'm not sure. That's a decision that Doug Lombardi is making.

When asked if you'll be able to play the demo online, Newell replied: "Oh yeah. You'll be able to play single-player and co-op in the demo.". <del datetime="00">Is the demo coming before the release? maybe, if not i'm sure we'll see a beta access program where when you pre order the game you get a beta access (Team Fortress 2).</del> The demo is coming prior to launch on both the 360 and PC, pre-launch access info coming soon.[br]

Update: I've just received an email from Doug Lombardi and it says:

We are doing a demo for L4D. We're planning to have it available prior to launch on both the 360 and PC. Specific details on what's contained in the demo, etc., will be announced in the next few weeks.[br]

Meanwhile pre-orders are happening now at major retailers, including Gamestop. Those who pre-order either the 360 or the PC version receive $5 off the regular price. Folks can expect to see the same type of savings when the Steam pre-purchase period begins next month.[br]

As for pre-launch access of the game for those who pre-order (as in the case of TF2/Orange Box), we're still finalizing our plans. Please stay tuned for more on that.
Yeah no surprise here at all with the demo or beta. I'm putting my bets on the first "meet the video" with a pre-order starting the first week of October. Then on Halloween a beta will be released. Either that, the first week of November all that happens. They probably have it all figured out but Doug is just finalizing a date with EA. Fifty days left really until release. Just a little more than a month left. Now what is huge with the article was this:
The movie following The Hospital sees the helicopter you escape in crash out in the country, leaving you and your chums to fight your way through hordes of Infected in farms and corn fields. There's even a campaign set in an airport, where you have to deal with crashing planes as well as the Infected. Brutal.
Now before all this, we knew there was an airport mission, but never what happened in the mission. Cinematic phyiscs crashing into the terminal? :bounce:
Makes sense, people keep saying you have to play it to really get a feel for the game. All this means for me is early taste for the game.
it will probably be released after the actual game releases, in the usual Valve style.

which means that the demo will have little affect on me as this is a day one purchase, there's no way this game isn't awesome.
Good. Then I can see if it runs on my laptop. Not sure what I'm gonna do when it doesn't though, I really don't want to play L4D on my 360 tbh.
Yeah IGN has even more:
This isn't the first time that Valve has allowed fans to play its multiplayer games before launch. Those that pre-ordered Valve's The Orange Box got access to the Team Fortress 2 open beta. When we asked Lombardi if there was any chance Left 4 Dead would get the same treatment, he replied, "as for pre-launch access of the game for those who pre-order (as in the case of TF2/Orange Box), we're still finalizing our plans. Please stay tuned for more on that."

Lombardi did mention that fans can now pre-order the zombie-killing first-person shooter from one retailer to save $5. Players looking to pre-order the game from Valve's Steam service will get the discount, but will have to wait until October to do so. Players who aren't interested in pre-ordering can pick up their copy when the game launches on November 20.
So look for a deja vu of TF2 again in October. Remember that French gaming even tis coming up and we will get to see player Infected action. Probably "meet the" videos as well. Digi sent Doug an e-mail for confirmation. :bounce:
I think this makes a lot of sense, it's a totally new game released pretty much independently (if not completely, as opposed to the orange box bundle).

I imagined sales wouldn't be as amazing for this as they were for Valve's previous releases, but this changes that, in that we now will know if it lives up to the rest of Valve's catalog...

I'm not doubting its quality, I'm just saying of all of Valve's games, this is the one I have been least interested in--but the demo could change that. If that's the case for me, it might be the case for a lot more people, and they might win over way more sales this way.

Good show.
Nice update, awesome! Gabe regularly gets asked these questions where he's not really allowed to say, or not sure what to say because it's Doug's decision. He always ends up saying something not exactly right and Doug has to come and patch up! Well at least we find things out more quickly that way :D
Can't wait for this!

Also, this makes me wonder what the cross-platform capabilities are. Guess I'll just google it.
My PC is in the shop and I probably won't get it working again until at least a month after the release. Do you think I will save more by preordering or with the Christmas deals?