Newer SDK?


Gordon Bleu

I downloaded the Source SDK via steam and it seems complete, although coming from a UnrealEd background I'm not sure. However, I've read numerous other threads about the Source SDK being released at a later date (next week or so).

What's going on? Do I have the complete Source SDK for HL2 or not?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but the search won't let me search for short words, such as "SDK" and "new" :rolling:
The SDK you have now is limited, you need to do some tricky reconfiguring to get HL2 textures and models in it. It was released mainly for CS:S maps to be made and for mod makers to get used to the new hammer.

The full SDK, to be released next week will contain source for Source (teehehe), the face poser software, the ability to map for HL2, examples to help you modify the engine and possibly more (have I missed something?).
The current SDK should be seen as a beta, a partial version sent out to give people a chance to screw around with some of the new toys.
Hopefully the full release next week will allow help in making mods

I want to see some new mods soon
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Hopefully the full release next week will allow help in making mods

I want to see some new mods soon

Well yea it is the basis for all mods so I guess you could say it "helps" then :p

Like all of them stated, next week they will release it. One reason I think is that if they would have released tonight or tomorrow they would get absolutely FLOODED with emails and it would only build up over the weekend... Thus if they release on like a Monday, they have all week to answer them and then hopefully the noob questions will start to die down, and then some "fun" questions will start to flood into their boxes and will require them to think and such.
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
Hopefully the full release next week will allow help in making mods

I want to see some new mods soon
It should do, the basics we've already got, Hammer (well a buggy version of it) some of the other tools. The full one will also include lots of coding info and examples. Most, like with HL1 will be surprised at that, not expecting it to actually be pretty complex stuff. So you'll see a bunch of mods failing because of it when they realise they can't do what they wanted without tons of coding work too.
I don't think Hammer is "buggy" so much as you suck at using it.

"So you'll see a bunch of mods failing because of it when they realise they can't do what they wanted without tons of coding work too." Either that or a bunch of "5 coders needed" threads in help wanted ;)
Pi Mu Rho said:
I don't think Hammer is "buggy" so much as you suck at using it.

I didn't suck at it, I was simply trying to do something it couldn't do :p How was I supposed to know it would do that lol :)
Onions said:
"So you'll see a bunch of mods failing because of it when they realise they can't do what they wanted without tons of coding work too." Either that or a bunch of "5 coders needed" threads in help wanted ;)

already having 5 coders helps :p
Didnt you know:

Computers never do what you want them to do, only what you tell them to.