Newest ATi's


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
I'm kind of behind the times here. I got my Radeon 9800 128meg video card about two years ago, and have stopped paying attention to the latest products (I have been basking in the awesome-ness my card delivers). I know that the higher the number (eg. 9800 is better than 9600) the better the card. But what is after 9800? I have yet to hear about anything new. Think the new series is the X-something series.

Can someone fill me in as to the latest stuff and what makes it better than a 9800 Pro 256meg? (I have been to but most of the stuff I find there is proganda stuff and is highly one-sided.) I'm an ATi guy and don't particularly care for NVidia.

The X-Series is what happened after the 9x00 series and the X-800's deliver twice the performance and is very fast in games.
Wrong forum.

This goes to hardware.
I thought it might go in Hardware, but the subtitle said something about help with hardware so I stuck it here. Anyways, I'm sorry.
Thanks. I like it a lot. I think it will be the catch phrase for my game. Just for kicks and giggles. I put it on my background, which ha s Combine standing off to the right side. It has my logo and the name and the phrase. Pretty cool. It's larger than 100kb, so I can't attach it. I could get it posted somewhere and then put the link, but I forgot how to do that.
archvilell said:
Thanks. I like it a lot. I think it will be the catch phrase for my game. Just for kicks and giggles. I put it on my background, which ha s Combine standing off to the right side. It has my logo and the name and the phrase. Pretty cool. It's larger than 100kb, so I can't attach it. I could get it posted somewhere and then put the link, but I forgot how to do that. :)
Compared to a 9800pro

x700xt is similar or better
9800xt is better
x800pro is a fair bit better
x800 xt is better still
x800 xt pe is better again

What makes it better? Faster and revised core, better and more ram (256mb most of those above) slightly better features. x800 xt pe is the best ati card you can get now, and imho the best card including nVidia.
What about GeForce6800,is it the newest Nvdia video card?
^_^,looks like I don't have to update my video card for another year,even though I don't have any idea how to do it :P.
By the way,whats the best video card out in the market so far?
Well the best ATi out right now is the X850 XT PE and the best Nvidia is the 6800 Ultra. Most people tend to perfer one company over the other and many are choosing the 6800s because they support PS 3.0. The R520 line of ATi cards will also support PS 3.0 but they aren't out right now. I don't perfer one company over the other like the majority of people do. I tend to weigh my decision on a graphics card by using logic and deciding what would work best for me, not what company I like more than the other. Right now if I wanted a good card that would give me a lot of bang for my buck I would go for the 6800 GT.
Wait,let me get this stright.
There is Nvdia 6800 and Nvdia 6800 Ultra?
That eats......Kinda ****ed Dell diden't suply it in the option list when I was ordering my 8400.
There are multiple models of the 6800. Here is the basic setup for the 6800 line:

6800 Ultra > 6800 GT > 6800