Newly discovered 10th "planet" and its moon now named "Xena" and "Gabrielle"

Isn't this old news?? I thought they already found a tenth planet in 2004...they also named it a very weird name.
dream431ca said:
Isn't this old news?? I thought they already found a tenth planet in 2004...they also named it a very weird name.
The International Astronomical Union, a group of scientists responsible for naming planets, is deciding on formal names for Xena and Gabrielle.
Guess they havent come up with a final name yet
Thank god those names are temporary - It would just speak volumes about the top scientists.
HEh...who cares? We can't go there anyway, we can't chat with the green guys who live there, and our well-known moon good enough and I prefer cheese over some unknow space-stuff.
Uhg, that name blows... keep the tradition and name it after some Greek god.
When I read those names I though of HL1 and angels.
The_Monkey said:
Do geeky scientists watch Xena?

That must be the most obvious question you've ever asked on these forums.
xena is like double the distance from us compared to pluto...

must be colddddd out there.
KoreBolteR said:
xena is like double the distance from us compared to pluto...

must be colddddd out there.
Perhaps its near one of the other galexy, and recieves more sunlight than we suspected?
ktimekiller said:
Perhaps its near one of the other galexy, and recieves more sunlight than we suspected?
The next closest star is over 4 light years away...
And the next closest 'galexy' is over 2.4 million light years away...
No S.L. The planet and its moon are called Xena and Gabrielle respectively.

So if were thinking about HL2 themed names for the planet and its moon I got:

Planet Freeman

Astral Body (Moon) Calhoun

Then the two gay lovers shall be entwined for all time.