news on cloning.

Cloning is for my cock.

Sorry.. Kirov ruined it.

I've always believed cloning is possible.
I'm ashamed of nothing.

-- Its Great ruin will serve as a Great monument to all the Great soviet workers who perished in the Great socialist revolution lol
i think its good research. cells with human DNA arent human... i have billions of them in my pinky alone!
tehsolace said:
cells with human DNA arent human...

OK that's the statement of the day for me:laugh: .

I am against human cloning, they should focus all their research on stem cells and actually do something good for the advancement of medicine.
Redneck said:
OK that's the statement of the day for me:laugh: .

I am against human cloning, they should focus all their research on stem cells and actually do something good for the advancement of medicine.

Actually, that's the point. They're cloning human embryos so that they have more stock for stem cells.
I think cloning is cwel. I whould have my clone do all kinds of crazy shit.

-It's a hammock of both great comfort, and evil.
-You had me at comfort.

lol it's like a magic hammock.
Redneck said:
OK that's the statement of the day for me:laugh: .

I am against human cloning, they should focus all their research on stem cells and actually do something good for the advancement of medicine.

ok so maybe i should of worded that a bit better :laugh:

but Greatgat is correct. its medically impossible (in today's medicine) to implant foreign stem cells into someone... their body would reject it. Indeed, if we had the ability to grow stem cells without using cloning techniques, I'm sure we would be... but even then, it has to have the patient's exact DNA in order for him/her to be able to use it -- hence why cloning seems like the only valid solution.

Is it really bad to grow yourself a new arm if you lost yours? As long as you aren't cutting it off a full clone of yourself, but rather only growing the arm itself... isn't that still humane? Its the same concept with stem cells.
tehsolace said:
ok so maybe i should of worded that a bit better :laugh:

but Greatgat is correct. its medically impossible (in today's medicine) to implant foreign stem cells into someone... their body would reject it. Indeed, if we had the ability to grow stem cells without using cloning techniques, I'm sure we would be... but even then, it has to have the patient's exact DNA in order for him/her to be able to use it -- hence why cloning seems like the only valid solution.

Is it really bad to grow yourself a new arm if you lost yours? As long as you aren't cutting it off a full clone of yourself, but rather only growing the arm itself... isn't that still humane? Its the same concept with stem cells.

The Island, anyone?
Depends on what they're trying to do. Cloning to birth new people is wrong. AKA: Like Dolly the sheep.

But ideas like cloning organ materials is great. When we get to the point where we can clone livers, kidneys, etc we can save a LOT of lives.
I'm down with cloning, whether it be a cloned person or cloned organs/tissue/DNA.
They can make a bald super-clone hitman that goes around killing coke fiends and asian people and eventually turns on it's master
I think cloning is a good thing, but will probably be misused
tehsolace said:
ok so maybe i should of worded that a bit better :laugh:

but Greatgat is correct. its medically impossible (in today's medicine) to implant foreign stem cells into someone... their body would reject it. Indeed, if we had the ability to grow stem cells without using cloning techniques, I'm sure we would be... but even then, it has to have the patient's exact DNA in order for him/her to be able to use it -- hence why cloning seems like the only valid solution.

Is it really bad to grow yourself a new arm if you lost yours? As long as you aren't cutting it off a full clone of yourself, but rather only growing the arm itself... isn't that still humane? Its the same concept with stem cells.

I don't think you realise exactly how cloning works.

It's not just "Woops, broke my arm, better go get them to make a clone arm".

The whole process involves making a completely new human. You make a clone embryo, then implant it into a woman, and it grows into a full blown human.

You can't just "spot clone" someone.
sinkoman said:
I don't think you realise exactly how cloning works.

It's not just "Woops, broke my arm, better go get them to make a clone arm".

The whole process involves making a completely new human. You make a clone embryo, then implant it into a woman, and it grows into a full blown human.

You can't just "spot clone" someone.

Cough *wrong* caugh. I've seen in many documentaries that scientist have developed a method with which they can create a new heart eyes fingers bones ears etc using stem cells. So theoretically if they improve this technology they could just grow you a new arm without needing a whole human clone.
Actually, Redneck is correct. They're perfectly capable of growing only a heart, or only a liver. They've cloned tadpoles so that only the heads develop. I'm sure they could grow arms as well...
sinkoman said:
The whole process involves making a completely new human. You make a clone embryo, then implant it into a woman, and it grows into a full blown human.
I knew it! Dune was right all along! Us humans are the Bene Tleilax!
So we all might live to the age of 200?

arg, my heart is about to give out
/bam brand new heart

im now healthy as ever

arg, the nerves in my hands are messed up and im shaking uncontrolably
/bam brand new hands

im now healthy as ever.
Krynn72 said:
So we all might live to the age of 200?

arg, my heart is about to give out
/bam brand new heart

im now healthy as ever

arg, the nerves in my hands are messed up and im shaking uncontrolably
/bam brand new hands

im now healthy as ever.

precisley! but all of that surgery would probably kill you :)
jverne said:
i think cloning and private funding doesn't mix well!? what do you think? it reminds me of all those games like SIN, FarCry,...

cause we all know games mirror reality.
Boogymanx said:
I knew it! Dune was right all along! Us humans are the Bene Tleilax!

Give me your son and the prince leto!! we shall revive them!
JNightshade said:
Actually, Redneck is correct. They're perfectly capable of growing only a heart, or only a liver. They've cloned tadpoles so that only the heads develop. I'm sure they could grow arms as well...

That's with stemcells.

Not with cones.

You can't just take somebodies DNA and know "Ok, from here to here, is the arm section. I will use this section to make an arm and ONLY an arm".

People don't know enough about DNA to do that yet.

I'd like to see this tadpole link if this is what they did.
sinkoman said:
That's with stemcells.

Not with cones.

You can't just take somebodies DNA and know "Ok, from here to here, is the arm section. I will use this section to make an arm and ONLY an arm".

People don't know enough about DNA to do that yet.

I'd like to see this tadpole link if this is what they did.

I think what he means is that you'll be able to clone your own stem cells, and use them to grow organs that are compatible with you, since they will be clones.