News Posts need to be more frequent


Retired Lead Content Creator
Staff member
May 29, 2007
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I've noticed recently that a lot of the news posts on's home page is either quite old or irelevant by the time it is posted. Granted, when you guys do deliver the news you do a great job, just some articles get over looked, some of which are important.

I've heard from Digi that you guys usually wait for confirmation or a report from Valve before you post any official news about games. I personally think this is the wrong way to go about it. If you see a genuine news article anyway around the internet which is relevant to any Source game, mod or tool it should be posted almost immediately. It doesn't really take a man of infinite knowledge to write a simple news post about Portal 2 or TF2 and have it uploaded pretty much as soon as the news is breaking.

For example, the Portal 2 valentine's day trailer which was posted earlier today contained quite an important piece of news, that Portal 2 is now available for pre-order. Somebody should have seen this news and immediately posted it the front page for everyone to see.

I'm not having a go at anybody in particular, this is just my personal opinion that the current news system should be changed, refined and improved to help inform people of the latest Source related gaming news as quickly as possible. :)
Also I miss the weekly Steam and mod round-ups. I know you're all busy, but surely there's one person on this site who has the enthusiasm and free time to do proper weekly news?

Edit: Valentine's trailer is good, but Portal 2 isn't available to preorder on my Steam client.
That post is up now, things are busy at the moment for many of yeah we're putting things up just sometimes a few hours late :p

Also we are selective in some of the posts we put up because some news isn't in the community interest e.g. L4D2 mutations aren't interesting.

I'll have to look at the way we are doing things right now and the personnel and see if we can improve it.
Yeah Glenn, I know what you're saying about people being busy. But I think there are enough news editors to be able to post news if they come across it. Or atleast there should be....*cough* Hint hint again. >.> <.<
It's now Square Enix week on Steam. Arkham Asylum is 75% off for today. I think that's worthy of a news post.
Eh, I don't see the need to make news posts about special Steam store events when anyone can see them by going to the store. Unless it's something really big like the holiday sales.
Eh, I don't see the need to make news posts about special Steam store events when anyone can see them by going to the store. Unless it's something really big like the holiday sales.
I consider a week-long event a pretty big deal. The Enix pack is cheap too and there's some decent games in there. Not everyone checks the steam store every day and Arkham Asylum is a really good game.
Personally I dunno if a week long sale is relevant, but things like major game updates, trailers being released and major info about future game releases is priority for the news team and should be posted as soon as possible.

Now I think again, a week long deal of this magnitude probably is worth a news post. Just Cause 2 is £5. The ****? It's been out about 4 months.