Ok, i designed what i think the Newspaper would have said to people, during the entire Game, please read and Feedback.
7 Week War Ends in Combine Victory
The Guns fell Silent Today and the Combine leader met with Current Human Leader Wallace Breen to Sign a Contract allowing combine Dominance of the Planet, but Wallace will still remain as the Leader. Reasons for the Combine Attack aswell as there goal for our Future is still unknown, but Wallace is Quoted to have said: “This is the Future of Mankind, Step forward with me People of Earth, into the new World.” The combine are Currently writing the new laws for our planet, and they will be unveiled shortly
Cities 1 through 20 Founded today
With the new Combine law in place, all the Worlds cities names have been changed for the purpose of easy transportation of Immigrants. The Combine and Wallace have set City 17 as there Home Base and are Currently updating the city with combine technology, what this new lifestyle will do for house prices is anyones guess, but things could start changing anytime
Survey Says: Citizens Hate Combine!
Not one person in all of the 20 cities, according to a new survey just conducted likes having the combine rule. Citizens say that Laws are too tough, u can get arrested for talking to loud, the scanners allow no privacy, and the combine police or “civil protection” are extremely brutal. Talk of an Underground resistance team being formed to fight the combine, but these could just be Rumors.
Combine find Stowaway city!
While Patrolling the City 17 borders, 3 Civil Protection units spotted citizens leavng the city through a small crack in The Combine Barrier. Following these Citizens they watched them enter a small tunnel in the middle of the nearby desert and come out in another City right next to City 17's outskirts! A Sign nearby reads that this City is called Ravenholm and is a local mining town that wasnt found during combine scourge, whether they will allow the city to stay as it is, or make it the next City 21 is currently unknown, but we will let you know as soon as we find out.
Ravenholm under Xen attack!
The mining town of Ravenholm’s residents were terrified as over 100 combine crab cannisters were fired at the City. Wallace Breen said to interviewers that the Combine had nothing to do with the Attack, but this is highly doubtful as the cannisters are swimming wth combine technology. A brief description of what a Cannister does will be provided for Citizen safety. A crab cannister is a massive steel seed shaped pod that is fired from space and hits the earth with a massive crash, the cannister then opens up, and 3-5 creatures known only as “Headcrabs” jump out. Headcrabs are considered extremely dangerous and should not be approached no matter what.
Zombies leak from Ravenholm to City 17
New information now shows that when headcrabs approach a human, they will attempt to latch onto your head and create what is now known as a Zombie. For the citizens who have been reading up on current events, you should know that Ravenholm must be full of Zombies. Once a Zombie is made, the Citizen can not be saved, Repeat: The Citizen can not be Saved, do not attempt as you will more than likely be attacked and possibly killed by the zombie. The tunnel that was used to access Ravenholm is still open, therefore Zombies can get through to City 17.Civil Protection must be alarmed if a citizen spots a Zombie or Zombies. Combine troops have been dispatched in an attempt to help the citizens, but there isnt much hope.
Combine Pull Out, Tunnel to Ravenholm Sealed.
The Combine forces pulled out of Ravenholm, despite the massive amount of Citizens still in the city. At the scene of the City, things are becoming worse, reports of mass Zombie attacks as well as new types of Zombie are growing, and the Danger has now began spreading to City 17, therefore, the Combine had no choice but to order the tunnel to be sealed. “There is nothing more we can do for these people, except hope they can survive what happened” said a local citizen as the gate was closed and welded shut.
Train to Nova Prospekt as well as other Cities now Up and Running
The new Civil Transportation train opened today, giving all citizens a chance to come to City 17, where Wallace Breen has promised, is much safer than the other Cities, although not many people believe this due to the mass amounts of aliens on the outskirts and the Zombie Infested Ravenholm.
Black Mesa survivor escapes Combine down Route Kanal.
At the new Train station, a new citizen arrived on the Train, the name of this new Man is Unknown, but it is known that he has escaped the combines clutches and made it down the Route Kanal. This man is Considered armed and Dangerous as the deaths of 27 Civil Protection Units have been placed at his feet.
Black Mesa East Found, Gordon Freeman escapes.
What is thought to possibly be the Headquarters of the newly discovered Resistance team, was discovered when several scanners sweeping the end of the Route Kanal found a Massive building, full of scientific technology unheard of by the Combine. The Man from the Station, now identified as Gordon Freeman has escaped from the building and is now nowhere to be found.
Where is Gordon Freeman? Citizens begin to Revolt with the loss of the one Free Man.
Its only been a few hours after the Finding of Black Mesa East, and the escape of Gordon freeman, and already citizens are using the chaos to there advantage. The entirety of Black Mesa East has been searched, but there is no sign of Gordon Freeman. ‘The only place he could go is down the tunnel to Ravenholm, and if hes gone there, hes as good as dead.’ said the head Of Civil Protection to reporters.
Gordon Freeman survives trip through Ravenholm!
It is now known that Gordon Freeman did indeed go to Ravenholm when he attempted to escape Black Mesa East. Citizens everywhere wonder how he could have possibly done it, and some have even come up with the idea that he must be Immortal, when the Combine are asked about this, they simply arrest the Citizen.
Free Man Escapes down Highway 17
While making a Daring escape from the Combine, Gordon, or the One Free Man, has made it to the coast and is now Driving down highway 17. Reports have come in that it is currently Ant Lion Mating season, ands that Gordon shouldn’t survive even 3 minutes out there, but others say that he can control the antlions, and is unharmed by them.
Nova Prospekt destroyed by Gordon Freeman. Resistance Fighters rebel against Combine!
2 Days ago, the high Security Prison Nova Prospekt was completely destroyed, and it has been decided by the underground resistance army that now is the time to rebel. Taking to the streets, the citizens are now rallying with Gordon Freeman, and the Combine Death toll is at 183 and Growing.
Freeman makes it to Combine Citadel!
It is now Confirmed that Gordon Freeman has made it to the Combine Citadel, and is attempting an attack on Wallace Breen Himself. The citizen Resistance still goes on, as The Combine death toll finally reaches 1000.
Citadel Destroyed, Gordon’s body never found.
After the Citadel was destroyed, the bodies of Alyx and Eli Vance were found as well as a broken robot with the Word DOG inscribed on the Side, but not a single shred of Evidence of Gordon Freeman. Did he get completely destroyed? Some Citizens say, he was an alien from Xen, out to write the wrong the other Aliens caused, others say he was only a figment of our imaginations, which side is right? We may never know........
7 Week War Ends in Combine Victory
The Guns fell Silent Today and the Combine leader met with Current Human Leader Wallace Breen to Sign a Contract allowing combine Dominance of the Planet, but Wallace will still remain as the Leader. Reasons for the Combine Attack aswell as there goal for our Future is still unknown, but Wallace is Quoted to have said: “This is the Future of Mankind, Step forward with me People of Earth, into the new World.” The combine are Currently writing the new laws for our planet, and they will be unveiled shortly
Cities 1 through 20 Founded today
With the new Combine law in place, all the Worlds cities names have been changed for the purpose of easy transportation of Immigrants. The Combine and Wallace have set City 17 as there Home Base and are Currently updating the city with combine technology, what this new lifestyle will do for house prices is anyones guess, but things could start changing anytime
Survey Says: Citizens Hate Combine!
Not one person in all of the 20 cities, according to a new survey just conducted likes having the combine rule. Citizens say that Laws are too tough, u can get arrested for talking to loud, the scanners allow no privacy, and the combine police or “civil protection” are extremely brutal. Talk of an Underground resistance team being formed to fight the combine, but these could just be Rumors.
Combine find Stowaway city!
While Patrolling the City 17 borders, 3 Civil Protection units spotted citizens leavng the city through a small crack in The Combine Barrier. Following these Citizens they watched them enter a small tunnel in the middle of the nearby desert and come out in another City right next to City 17's outskirts! A Sign nearby reads that this City is called Ravenholm and is a local mining town that wasnt found during combine scourge, whether they will allow the city to stay as it is, or make it the next City 21 is currently unknown, but we will let you know as soon as we find out.
Ravenholm under Xen attack!
The mining town of Ravenholm’s residents were terrified as over 100 combine crab cannisters were fired at the City. Wallace Breen said to interviewers that the Combine had nothing to do with the Attack, but this is highly doubtful as the cannisters are swimming wth combine technology. A brief description of what a Cannister does will be provided for Citizen safety. A crab cannister is a massive steel seed shaped pod that is fired from space and hits the earth with a massive crash, the cannister then opens up, and 3-5 creatures known only as “Headcrabs” jump out. Headcrabs are considered extremely dangerous and should not be approached no matter what.
Zombies leak from Ravenholm to City 17
New information now shows that when headcrabs approach a human, they will attempt to latch onto your head and create what is now known as a Zombie. For the citizens who have been reading up on current events, you should know that Ravenholm must be full of Zombies. Once a Zombie is made, the Citizen can not be saved, Repeat: The Citizen can not be Saved, do not attempt as you will more than likely be attacked and possibly killed by the zombie. The tunnel that was used to access Ravenholm is still open, therefore Zombies can get through to City 17.Civil Protection must be alarmed if a citizen spots a Zombie or Zombies. Combine troops have been dispatched in an attempt to help the citizens, but there isnt much hope.
Combine Pull Out, Tunnel to Ravenholm Sealed.
The Combine forces pulled out of Ravenholm, despite the massive amount of Citizens still in the city. At the scene of the City, things are becoming worse, reports of mass Zombie attacks as well as new types of Zombie are growing, and the Danger has now began spreading to City 17, therefore, the Combine had no choice but to order the tunnel to be sealed. “There is nothing more we can do for these people, except hope they can survive what happened” said a local citizen as the gate was closed and welded shut.
Train to Nova Prospekt as well as other Cities now Up and Running
The new Civil Transportation train opened today, giving all citizens a chance to come to City 17, where Wallace Breen has promised, is much safer than the other Cities, although not many people believe this due to the mass amounts of aliens on the outskirts and the Zombie Infested Ravenholm.
Black Mesa survivor escapes Combine down Route Kanal.
At the new Train station, a new citizen arrived on the Train, the name of this new Man is Unknown, but it is known that he has escaped the combines clutches and made it down the Route Kanal. This man is Considered armed and Dangerous as the deaths of 27 Civil Protection Units have been placed at his feet.
Black Mesa East Found, Gordon Freeman escapes.
What is thought to possibly be the Headquarters of the newly discovered Resistance team, was discovered when several scanners sweeping the end of the Route Kanal found a Massive building, full of scientific technology unheard of by the Combine. The Man from the Station, now identified as Gordon Freeman has escaped from the building and is now nowhere to be found.
Where is Gordon Freeman? Citizens begin to Revolt with the loss of the one Free Man.
Its only been a few hours after the Finding of Black Mesa East, and the escape of Gordon freeman, and already citizens are using the chaos to there advantage. The entirety of Black Mesa East has been searched, but there is no sign of Gordon Freeman. ‘The only place he could go is down the tunnel to Ravenholm, and if hes gone there, hes as good as dead.’ said the head Of Civil Protection to reporters.
Gordon Freeman survives trip through Ravenholm!
It is now known that Gordon Freeman did indeed go to Ravenholm when he attempted to escape Black Mesa East. Citizens everywhere wonder how he could have possibly done it, and some have even come up with the idea that he must be Immortal, when the Combine are asked about this, they simply arrest the Citizen.
Free Man Escapes down Highway 17
While making a Daring escape from the Combine, Gordon, or the One Free Man, has made it to the coast and is now Driving down highway 17. Reports have come in that it is currently Ant Lion Mating season, ands that Gordon shouldn’t survive even 3 minutes out there, but others say that he can control the antlions, and is unharmed by them.
Nova Prospekt destroyed by Gordon Freeman. Resistance Fighters rebel against Combine!
2 Days ago, the high Security Prison Nova Prospekt was completely destroyed, and it has been decided by the underground resistance army that now is the time to rebel. Taking to the streets, the citizens are now rallying with Gordon Freeman, and the Combine Death toll is at 183 and Growing.
Freeman makes it to Combine Citadel!
It is now Confirmed that Gordon Freeman has made it to the Combine Citadel, and is attempting an attack on Wallace Breen Himself. The citizen Resistance still goes on, as The Combine death toll finally reaches 1000.
Citadel Destroyed, Gordon’s body never found.
After the Citadel was destroyed, the bodies of Alyx and Eli Vance were found as well as a broken robot with the Word DOG inscribed on the Side, but not a single shred of Evidence of Gordon Freeman. Did he get completely destroyed? Some Citizens say, he was an alien from Xen, out to write the wrong the other Aliens caused, others say he was only a figment of our imaginations, which side is right? We may never know........