Next Gen Consoles

Yea I agree, but dont get too hyped up on the "CELL" technology yet as it points out in the article sony hypes their shit out of proportion. I hope Nintendo is able to claim 2nd place this time around with some good mature titles(not just ports) and online play. Im not a fan boy but its just sad seeing them taking a beating like that from the lack of support by third party developers, while they make kickass games like Metroid Prime that doesnt get as much attention as it should. sigh....
Suprisingly nintendo is still outselling xbox in a lot of other countries, so don't count them out yet, and they're still selling very well in the united states, though they had their first quarter since they were created that they actually lost money. But have faith, xbox only seems sooo much more sucessful because they advertise so much more, and sponsor so many more activities.
i hate ps2, imo it should be called pos2 but hey, thats me. I find the games to be less polished and more blocky then xbox. I'm not an xbox fanboy, as i hate microsoft with a passion(as i've said multiple times), but i still enjoy the xbox and play it all the time. Gamecube... meh, its pretty much a kids platform. Only game i'd enjoy on it is probalby Resident Evil.
JonTheCanuck said:
i hate ps2, imo it should be called pos2 but hey, thats me. I find the games to be less polished and more blocky then xbox.

The reason for that is simple. The xbox is not a consol at heart, it is a PC, and since all games start out being written on PC's those creating titiles for it have more expierence with the hardware.

Thats why the PS3 might be a mistep for Sony. They are creating a new machine to learn whereas the Xbox2 (or whatever it will be called) will simply be a single purpose PC.

Guess which will be cheaper to develop for.
JonTheCanuck said:
i hate ps2, imo it should be called pos2 but hey, thats me. I find the games to be less polished and more blocky then xbox. I'm not an xbox fanboy, as i hate microsoft with a passion(as i've said multiple times), but i still enjoy the xbox and play it all the time. Gamecube... meh, its pretty much a kids platform. Only game i'd enjoy on it is probalby Resident Evil.

The Gamecube is not really a kids platform as much as just doesn't have as dark of games. There are some great games that arn't kid related, like Eternal Darkness was really good. Windwaker had a light hearted feel to it, but it wasn't a kids game. Animal Crossing seemed obnoxiously kiddy, but i could never have seen a kid play and enjoy it. Ikaruga was great too, thought it was originally on the dreamcast.

I mean, most of the people i know who really enjoy their gamecube are at least 20, everyone's little brothers or just family members i know that are young love their xbox and PS2 because they're "cool". It's often the 10-14 year old's that are considering the gamecube "kiddy" because it doesn't really try to be cool, it just pumps out inovative titles that try new things. I just think that too many people mistake the lighter feel of a game with that of a childs game, because there are so many titles on the cube that most kids wouldn't enjoy even though they look colorful and have interesting character designs.

Not that i'm a cube fanboy or anything, but my cube and PS2 and even original NES get most of my attention in the house. I take something new and colorful over yet another tactical first person shooter any day.
Nintendo is easily still in the competition, were talking about the Gamecube here, not their next generation system. Maybe they will market it more towards those people who want their systems to be "cool".
RandomPING said:
The Gamecube is not really a kids platform as much as just doesn't have as dark of games. There are some great games that arn't kid related, like Eternal Darkness was really good. Windwaker had a light hearted feel to it, but it wasn't a kids game. Animal Crossing seemed obnoxiously kiddy, but i could never have seen a kid play and enjoy it. Ikaruga was great too, thought it was originally on the dreamcast.

I mean, most of the people i know who really enjoy their gamecube are at least 20, everyone's little brothers or just family members i know that are young love their xbox and PS2 because they're "cool". It's often the 10-14 year old's that are considering the gamecube "kiddy" because it doesn't really try to be cool, it just pumps out inovative titles that try new things. I just think that too many people mistake the lighter feel of a game with that of a childs game, because there are so many titles on the cube that most kids wouldn't enjoy even though they look colorful and have interesting character designs.

Not that i'm a cube fanboy or anything, but my cube and PS2 and even original NES get most of my attention in the house. I take something new and colorful over yet another tactical first person shooter any day.
You couldn't be more right...

The only thing I ever use the PS2 (never even considered getting xbox) for around here is DDR. Heh...
JonTheCanuck said:
i hate ps2, imo it should be called pos2 but hey, thats me. I find the games to be less polished and more blocky then xbox. I'm not an xbox fanboy, as i hate microsoft with a passion(as i've said multiple times), but i still enjoy the xbox and play it all the time. Gamecube... meh, its pretty much a kids platform. Only game i'd enjoy on it is probalby Resident Evil.

couldnt agree more with what you just said.
RandomPING said:
The Gamecube is not really a kids platform as much as just doesn't have as dark of games. There are some great games that arn't kid related, like Eternal Darkness was really good. Windwaker had a light hearted feel to it, but it wasn't a kids game. Animal Crossing seemed obnoxiously kiddy, but i could never have seen a kid play and enjoy it. Ikaruga was great too, thought it was originally on the dreamcast.

I mean, most of the people i know who really enjoy their gamecube are at least 20, everyone's little brothers or just family members i know that are young love their xbox and PS2 because they're "cool". It's often the 10-14 year old's that are considering the gamecube "kiddy" because it doesn't really try to be cool, it just pumps out inovative titles that try new things. I just think that too many people mistake the lighter feel of a game with that of a childs game, because there are so many titles on the cube that most kids wouldn't enjoy even though they look colorful and have interesting character designs.
Nicely said. You've only skimmed the surface of decent (IMO) games :). Eternal Darkness, as you mentioned, is a wonderful game. Super Smash Bros. Melee is great if you have the people, quite a different type of fighting game; different and new is why I enjoy it so (disregarding the fact that I've play SSB on the 64). I heard many people calling Wind Waker a "cartoony child's." In some ways it might be considered "cartoony," but the comic faces Link makes is just one thing making the game pleasant and entertaining. Even through F-Zero's difficulty you found a fun, exciting, fast paced, racing game. (I'm not one to enjoy racing games too much either.) Mario Kart DD!! is also fun, but has its problems, too; when you have four people (non-LAN) all yelling at each other in "Shine Thief" it makes it all worth it. Pikmin was an odd game and a little too short for my tastes but quite a new type of game. Retro Studios was scolded for the fact that Metroid Prime was in first person (and the fact that it was their first game too, if I remember correctly), but had those people actually played it they would've realized how wonderful the environment was designed and the fact that you could visit it in first person sweetened the deal.

I just wanted to chirp in and give my two cents about some games.

I probably sound like a Cube fanboy, but I assure I'm not (100%) :p. The other consoles have many good games too, but people just often overlook the GCN. In all honesty, I'm a FPS fan (and an avid Counter-Strike player), but that doesn't mean I (or anyone else) can't enjoy the liberties of a new innovative games that the Gamecube offers plenty of.
morient said:
Retro Studios was scolded for the fact that Metroid Prime was in first person (and the fact that it was their first game too, if I remember correctly), but had those people actually played it they would've realized how wonderful the environment was designed and the fact that you could visit it in first person sweetened the deal.
That's funny... I remember only great things being said about that game... and for good reason, I might add. :)
I live in "pessimistville" :p

(and all the negative thoughts put in by those pessimists were before MP was released and before their foots were in their mouths :))