Next Legend of Zelda Trailer

What do you mean Old? as far as I know this trailer just came out a couple days ago didn't it? It's different from the first one.

And yeah, I am really looking forward to this one. I finished Wind Waker a little while ago, and while I enjoyed the game a lot, I'm glad this new Zelda will be using all of the gamecube's graphical abilities.
Come on now Fortis, Wind Waker had some damn nifty effects, and the cel-shading was superb :D

But yes, this new Zelda looks great. I hope they brighten the visual theme though, I'd really prefer a more lighthearted look to my LOZ.
This is going to be one of the defining gaming moments of my life. It looks so perfect. Mixing the sound and swordplay from WW and the graphics and ideas behind the two N64 installments, this looks set to be the best Zelda yet. And with 4 swords and Minish Cap to keep me occupied, I am set for a fun-filled Zelda year.

And who can forget the upcoming DS Zelda, set to be shown at E3.
I don't want to get into an arguemnt about wind waker, but when I played it, I had the same..... "feeling" that I had when playing OoT. I love the music from them.
There's never been a bad Zelda game (apart from the awful 3do incarnation) - just varying degrees of greatness :)

This looks to be at the right end of the scale \o/
ah - yes, that's the one.

I saw them being played in a shop years ago - and was shocked by how terrible they were (can't remember who developed them, it certainly wasn't Nintendo)
Wow, that looks amazing! The graphics look amazing for a gamecube game, the combat looks smooth and zelda isn't 3 years old. I can't wait :)
What about Zelda 2? The side-scroller. What a hideous display.

It's the only one (along with the three unofficial ones on the Philips) that I haven't brought myself to complete.
Teh_Poet said:
Me too. No seriously, I am.

You may as well pick up Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime 1 & 2 while you're at it :)
Warbie said:
You may as well pick up Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime 1 & 2 while you're at it :)

Definately the Metroid Primes.

BTW, does anyone know the Name/Release Date of the new legend of zelda?
SearanoX said:
For a GameCube game? The GameCube has plenty of amazing-looking games. Resident Evil 4, The Wind Waker, Star Wars: Rogue Leader and Rebel Strike, Metroid Prime and Echoes, Pikmin 1 and 2, Soulcalibur II, and F-Zero GX look just as good if not better than the best of what the XBox and PS2 have to offer. It's a common misconception that the GameCube is the least capable of the three consoles; in reality, it's just behind the XBox (and only because of its lesser support for pixel shaders), and miles ahead of the PS2. For some reason, people see games like Mario Party and think that's all the console has to offer in terms of visuals.

I own all three consoles, and I agree completely. What i meant is that it looks better than any other game on the gamecube - including the sublime Metroid prime!
Release is Chrimbo.
Name is as yet unnanounced. The only news is that it is music oriented again. I for one am hoping there is an option to use the Donkey Konga bongos to change time. At the moment there are only 5 games for them. (Donkey Konga 1, 2 & 3, DK Jungle Beat and Odama)
Reginald said:
Release is Chrimbo.
Name is as yet unnanounced. The only news is that it is music oriented again. I for one am hoping there is an option to use the Donkey Konga bongos to change time. At the moment there are only 5 games for them. (Donkey Konga 1, 2 & 3, DK Jungle Beat and Odama)

Teh_Poet said:
Definately the Metroid Primes.

And not Resident Evil 4?

To buy a GC without Res 4 is like owning a cutting edge pc and not having HL2 :)

It really is one of the best games in years.

About the bongos - that would be very cool :) .... but I doubt it'll happen.
Teh_Poet said:

Sorry, me-slang for Christmas. Perhaps it is a more UK thing.

OK then. If not the DK Bongos, how about a Plug-in lectric Zora guitaur. Like the one from MM?
Someone actually modded a real-life guitaur to look like the one in the game. I wonder if I can find a pic of it.

EDIT: I didn't find a picture of it :( But here is a great site full of Zelda nostalgia:

The Encyclopedia is of special note.
Reginald said:
Sorry, me-slang for Christmas. Perhaps it is a more UK thing.

OK then. If not the DK Bongos, how about a Plug-in lectric Zora guitaur. Like the one from MM?
Someone actually modded a real-life guitaur to look like the one in the game. I wonder if I can find a pic of it.

EDIT: I didn't find a picture of it :( But here is a great site full of Zelda nostalgia:

The Encyclopedia is of special note.

A plug in electric ocarina. Now that would kick ass.